Whittle Pissed – IOTW Report

Whittle Pissed

18 Comments on Whittle Pissed

  1. Bill says Scott Ott is “paid to play the fool”, but I think he plays the part a little TOO well. He and Bill have gotten into some vicious confrontations in the past, so I don’t think it is an act.

  2. ED
    He is Scott and is part of a trio that did regular vid re[ports for PJ 12 years ago. Bill was the star and the Canadian was #3.

    Their show edned about 4 to 6 years ago.

  3. “I don’t know this interviewer ”

    Scott Ott

    He’s part of the Bill Whittle team

    He is there to do exactly what he does.

    You should subscribe to Bill’s channel. Worth it.

  4. Ummm… Anyone still think it was a coincidence that the public comments section of so many major newspapers and online news sites were shut down last December & January?

  5. ED

    They are both Republicans.
    Scott is a GWB and Bill as, I hope, is clear is Don. Unlike the Bush/Rove cabal I think Scott voted Don in 2020. THINK not sure. Bill for sure voted, as did IO, Don! yeas (decades?) ago Scott like GWB, was a “Snarlin” Arlen man. I think he’s form one of the big uup for grabs state that is go;in to 3 rd Circut.

  6. The one thing I would disagree with is that “we” allowed it to happen regarding election fraud. We did not. When party “leadership” bends over to pick up the soap there is little that we mere mortals can do about it unless we are will to burn stuff down.

    What were we supposed to do? Write our Congressman, many of who got their seats by such fraud or are part of the Uniparty who likes things the way they are? Should we all go Washington and put the Capitol under siege? Maybe that is what it will take, but we should not go their lightly.

  7. If you’re not angry (or depressed), you haven’t been paying attention.
    If the Dems succeed, there will never again be another fair election in this country. It won’t matter who we pick in 2024; if he’s not a squish, the Left will cheat to win, only this time they’ll remember to add the down-ticket votes in their phony ballots. They might even spread them out more evenly, rather than dump them all in at oh-dark thirty. Hell, even 2022 is suspect.

    Any GOP who wants to give up can go screw himself, because he’s screwing the whole consitution.


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