Who Are The True Heroes? – IOTW Report

Who Are The True Heroes?

This IS brilliant. It builds slowly, so watch until the absolutely satisfying end.

18 Comments on Who Are The True Heroes?

  1. Are they trying to say that celebrities are not really heroes? If they’re not, who is? Just look at them, it’s like they’re in jail, but they still work hard to show us how special they are. How do they do it?

  2. They feel our pain and care so much…from their gated community mansions. And the truly pathetic thing is that…it makes them feel good about themselves to display their phony concern for others not so fortunate.

    “But hey, we’re all in this together. Well, except that I’ve got a locked gate between you and me.”

  3. I’m offended by this post. You people have no idea what we have to endure. I’m losing my ability to look annoyed and upset when I finally find a gaggle of paparazzi willing to take my photograph because I really can’t get out, and there are no throngs of paparazzi anywhere anyway. My security team has no one to push around when I go to the store because everyone stays at least 6 feet away. I have discovered all the rooms in my mansion I didn’t know existed before this pandemic, and believe me most of them aren’t worth visiting again. I take the same route over and over again from the main house to the pool, and that’s getting boring. I’ve replayed all of the movies I appear in on my home theater screen so much even I’m tired of looking at myself. I can’t watch Trump press conferences anymore because that just makes the CNN and MSNBC folks look that much more stupid by comparison and that would change my world view.

    We celebrities have to post these videos from hellholes like Beverly Hills, Malibu and Santa Barbara because you peons might forget us, and we have no marketable skills aside from having people pay to watch us. You need to feel our pain a little.

  4. @ Dee: Thanks for posting the link to Jimmy Stewart’s Military career! Although I suspect that most who visit here knew it, it was good to see it recounted again.

    And Thanks too to Claudia for the clip. HOOOOO AHHHH! Perfect!

  5. Let’s see how much togethermess Hollywierd actors feel when leftist “fans”, who are broke, escaped commie virus prisoners decide to visit their mansions after months without enough money.


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