Who are ya gonna believe, The NY Times or your lyin’ ears? – IOTW Report

Who are ya gonna believe, The NY Times or your lyin’ ears?

The NY Times rewrites history in the dead of night.

Remember when Hillary hilariously and embarrassingly said Tulsi Gabbard was a Russian asset?

It’s right here ->

The Times heard it a little differently.


Now the fake news is trying to put the genie back in the bottle and cover for Crooked Hillary’s boneheaded remarks. They are now claiming that Clinton did not say Gabbard was groomed by Russia while appearing on the podcast “Campaign HQ with David Plouffe.”

The revision was initially spotted by independent journalist Tim Pool, who noted that the New York Times attempted to slip it by unnoticed:


We don’t call it “fake news” for no good reason. Pravda would be proud.

ht/ fdr in hell

9 Comments on Who are ya gonna believe, The NY Times or your lyin’ ears?

  1. Ha! Reminds me of when my MIL asked hubby, “who are you going to believe? Your own mother or the lying bitch you’re married to?”

    His answer? Hint: we’re going on 40 years 🙂

  2. New York Times has been a lying rag (at least) since the 30s when they claimed that Stalin’s collectivization (which killed millions) was the shining future of humanity.

    Why would any but the most brain-dead, nose-picking, shit-sniffing, fart-cupping, nihilistic socialist maggot believe a word they wrote?

    Their track-record says it all! Not a secret – not some unknown conspiracy madness – their own issues!

    Wobbles the mind.

    izlamo delenda est …


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