WHO Chief to Speak at Top Chinese University Graduation Ceremony – IOTW Report

WHO Chief to Speak at Top Chinese University Graduation Ceremony


BEIJING (Reuters) – The head of the WHO is due to give a speech to Beijing university students this week, as the U.N. body seeks to manage a resurgence of the coronavirus in China amid hostility from its biggest donor, the United States.

World Health Organization Director-General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus will deliver the graduation speech online to Tsinghua University’s School of Economics and Management on June 21, according to a notice from the university.

Washington has suspended its funding to the WHO, which President Donald Trump has accused of becoming a puppet of China for the way it has handled the coronavirus pandemic. more

8 Comments on WHO Chief to Speak at Top Chinese University Graduation Ceremony

  1. I hope some quietly subversive Chinese attendee finds a way to give Fatal Freddy a good virulent dose of his ChiCom Plague virus.

    (I’d bet good money Freddy would demand hydroxychloroquine, azithromycin, and zinc – STAT – and I’d like to see him told NO.”

  2. Fine. While he’s out of the country cancel his diplomatic status (at the same time releasing any classified info the US may have on him on his time during the bloody rule that he played a key part in) and cancel any visa’s he may have and ban him from the country. Let him travel to some other part of the world but I bet the UN would drop him like a hot potato and so would China as he no longer has influence and his pals in Eritrea may be kind of pissed with him for blowing this propaganda tool.

  3. Doesn’t this stupid bastard know that the CCP has been blaming Black People from Africa for the virus and treating them very badly in Mainland Virusisatan.

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