Who Created “Fake News”? – IOTW Report

Who Created “Fake News”?

Sharyl Attkisson explains to a Ted Talk audience who created the term “fake news” and how Donald Trump turned it on its creators. Watch



10 Comments on Who Created “Fake News”?

  1. Sharyl was on of the first to report on “Operation Gunrunner” (Holder changed its name to “Fast + Furious” I think in ‘09)12 years ago. For reporting honestly on GWB, and later Barry she was Black Balled from “journalism”. (Nothing is more “Orwellian” to me that calling America haters spreading FAKE NEWS “journalists”! She is very sharp but very young.

    The first FAKE NEWS that I noticed (I doubt it was the 1st American FAKE NEWS) was Cronkite when he started at CBS with his very popular (at least with the progressive elite) “Ugly America” “news” broadcasts in ’50. The progressives really liked the FAKE NEWS Ugly America. It was so popular that my 2nd year ing high school (58) a guy wrote a book titled (I think) THE UGLY AMERICAN. And CBS promoted Cronkite to be the lead anchor of the CBS Evening News in ’62.

    I was aware that most of the hate for America Cronkite put forth as “news” was in fact FAKE NEWS 68 years ago. I can not prove it; but I think that 90% of his America bashing was based on items that were not so (lies).

    I think CBS created FAKE NEWS. But the NY Times Walter Duranty (Cronkite’s guru) may have actually originated FAKE NEWS. I was not even born when the Times ran a series of FAKE NEWS earning it, from the folk who have hated America for a century, the Pulitzer Prize.

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