Who Da Thunk It? – IOTW Report

Who Da Thunk It?

Just in time for this summer’s round of racial violence fueled by the misperception that minorities are targeted by the police comes a report from the National Bureau of Economic Research (NBER), “An Empirical Analysis of Racial Differences in Police Use of Force.”

The key observation “On the most extreme use of force – officer-involved shootings – we find no racial differences in either the raw data or when contextual factors are taken into account.”


I expect they’ll be getting a visit from Obama’s Justice Department this week.

14 Comments on Who Da Thunk It?

  1. Common sense will tell you that the people who most commonly come in contact (i.e., have conflicts) with the police are the ones who are most likely to suffer violence (justified or not) at the hands of the police.

    Guess who has the most contact/conflicts with the police?


  2. Hillary, Obama, main stream media, BLM and the Congressional Black Caucus will not utilize “facts” when they don’t fit their agenda.
    You know it’s all about racism and “feelings”.

  3. Bullcrap there’s no racial differences. One only needs to look at Chicago and the number of police involved incidents. On one scale you see the number of crimes committed by blacks on the rise while those that involve cops are on the decline. Because the cops don’t bother getting involved with black issues anymore, the blacks are being left to feed on themselves.

  4. There are other important observations and you all should read the paper. It looks like there are disparities in racial treatment in non-lethal encounters. It also looks like the officers studied have been less inclined to shoot first and ask second when it comes to blacks. The Ferguson Effect? It IS really good to get some data on these problems. Thanks for the link, Doc.

  5. I didn’t go into detail on the report but top line did not mention that blacks are 8 times more likely to resist arrest, not follow officers orders and/or react violently which more than justifies the more “hands on” with black suspects that the study does find occurs.

  6. BTW, the author of this study is an award winning Harvard Associate Professor recognized for his remarkable abilities in Economics. He is the youngest professor to achieve tenure at Harvard.

    He his also black and was motivated to conduct this study after the recent media coverage of Treyvon, Michael Brown, etc. Needless to say, he admitted he was surprised at the conclusions shown in his research.

    Rush covered this in his broadcast today.

  7. Where you do find a racial disparity is the percentage of violent crimes perpetrated by black thugs in comparison to their low percentage in the population. If not for black thugs, the country would be relatively low crime.

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