WHO Declares Monkeypox Outbreak a Global Health Emergency  – IOTW Report

WHO Declares Monkeypox Outbreak a Global Health Emergency 

unlike COVID, monkeypox cannot be spread via the air and is nowhere near as contagious. Monkeypox spreads through close contact via kissing, touching, and sexual intercourse with someone is infectious. The virus is primarily spreading via sex and predominantly affecting gay and bisexual men like the previous strain. more

27 Comments on WHO Declares Monkeypox Outbreak a Global Health Emergency 

  1. Can’t wait to see the commercials for the monkeypox jab, or pill, or ointment, or whatever Pfarma concocts. Probably a suppository.

    “Ask your doctor about Sorectumvy (analscabuminib)”

  2. The last time this made the news, all of a sudden, dogs and little boys were “coming down” with it. Suddenly all the stories went away. Don’t tell me there isn’t an agenda or a global coverup.

  3. Pharma Choices

    Is this why they run ads for AIDS hiding pills so you won’t be detectable (butt still transmittable) and also the constant Skin Conditioning Pills for those unsightly Skin Issues that can be cured by big enough doses of daily dick pills.

    I’d hold the Big Pharma Banksturd Brokers of Amerikans responsible for this daily dose of daily life on every billboard.

    Maybe THEY do Live?

  4. “The virus is primarily spreading via sex and predominantly affecting gay and bisexual men like the previous strain.”

    Sooooooo … where’s the emergency? Easy to avoid. In fact, one must go out of one’s way to contract it.

    Once again, WHO proving that it’s full of shit.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  5. Shots, shots everyone! Get in line and roll up that sleeve cuz we gotcher monkeypox dope right here! It’s a ragin’ contagion, pustules pop on ya and you got it too! Everyone (who vigorously grinds flesh with pustule covered people) is at risk! Getcher shots here, now get yer shots! Gonna have ta lock y’all down! Mail in voting! Close the churches and gyms, all the mom-n-pop shops, leaving the porn shops, the liquor stores, pot shops and strip clubs O-pen!

    Eat the big green weenie sir and or ma’am from government, here to ‘help’ me. Run along now and for goodness sake don’t fall face down in a big pile of shit with your mouth wide open!

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