Who Destroyed “Democracy”? – IOTW Report

Who Destroyed “Democracy”?

13 Comments on Who Destroyed “Democracy”?

  1. The Bastards cheated in 2016 too. Their big mistake was believing their own twisted bull shit polling data. As a result they weren’t prepared to cheat ENOUGH. Hell during 2020 they had to stop counting several times, AND GO GET MORE VOTES. And we sat by and watched it happen and didn’t do shit.
    I don’t believe they are going to allow another election.

  2. Do not let Trump cheat in 2024 Election. We need VOTER I.D., paper ballots, mail-in ballots only for those that cannot physically vote on election day.

  3. Nobody destroyed democracy because there never was one to destroy. The deep state is trying desperately to destroy our Constitutional Republic…in order to implement a democracy.

  4. In my opinion, the entire world collaborated against the USA & Donald Trump in the Lat election.

    and alleged allies who were sticking you guys with their security bill.

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