WHO Directer Predicts “more body bags” If The President Doesn’t Stop Criticizing Him – IOTW Report

WHO Directer Predicts “more body bags” If The President Doesn’t Stop Criticizing Him

Summit News

He [President Trump] also blasted WHO chief Dr. Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesu, calling him one of China’s ‘proxies’.

Adhanom hit back at Trump, saying “At the end of the day, the people belong to all political parties. The focus of all political parties should be to save their people, please do not politicize this virus.” “If you want to be exploited and if you want to have many more body bags, then you do it.

If you don’t want many more body bags, then you refrain from politicizing it.” Adhanom added, much to the disgust of many on a day when almost 2000 Americans died from the virus. More

27 Comments on WHO Directer Predicts “more body bags” If The President Doesn’t Stop Criticizing Him

  1. *Tedros is NOT a medical doctor
    *Tedros background is that he was the #3 man in a junta that overthrew the Ethiopian government in a violent bloody coup.
    *Tedros as the new Ethiopian “health minister” oversaw the deliberate ethnic cleansing of hundreds of thousands of Ethiopians who weren’t from his tribe
    *Teddy oversaw the deliberate starvation of entire regions of Ethiopia because they were uppity towards his political party, witholding food aid donated by western nations


  2. This politically correct appointee set the fuse off on public panic when he buggered up the estimates for infection and deaths of this China released virus. Since then he’s championed the Chinese response even though they’re the ones that released that damned thing. The moment that this pandemic starts to decline Trump ought to cut off all cash and support for WHO until this guy is fired and demand that any further appointments to his position have as part of the job requirements an actual medical degree appropriate to the job function.

  3. …If we REALLY want to reduce body bags, the BEST way would be to end Islam. It kills WAY more people than all the flus in the world COMBINED, causes MUCH more illness, economic distress, and REALLY bad medical advice than an ARMY of Dr. Fauchis, and it’s carriers like “Dr.” Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesu are MUCH bigger than a virus, and so would be WAY easier to hunt down and exterminate, too, just sayin’…

  4. This may be the first truthful thing out of this unctuous churl’s yap…..he just doesn’t realize he’s speaking in the third person.
    Sleep with one eye open Turd-ros, black ops do exist, and there are many people besides Americans who’re royally pissed they lost a loved one due to your propaganda.

  5. Turdeau is in bed with this motherfucker.

    Turdeau is Talking lockdown for 6 to 18 months.
    The seals are clapping for FREE money that has not arrived yet.

    Trump on the other hand is talking opening up in a couple months.

  6. “At the end of the day, the people belong to all political parties. The focus of all political parties should be to save their people, please do not politicize this virus.”

    Sounds to me like an admission that he IS in fact a chinese communist.

  7. Tedros has aided and abetted China in its biological weapons attack on the world, with their synthetic virus. String him up, along with any others even remotely involved. Tedros is a war criminal, try him and hang him!

  8. “…Without unity we assure you even any country that may have a better system will be in more trouble. That’s our message,” the WHO chief continued…”

    Sounds like he is threatening the United States.

  9. What do you expect from a jihadi. Of course, Ghebreyesu is making veiled threats, before escalating to a full on attack. However, President Trump has called his bluff.

    Slashing W.H.O.’s funding is way overdue because of nefarious commie despots like “Dr. Doom” Ghebreyesu are in charge.


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