Who do you think this is supposed to be? – IOTW Report

Who do you think this is supposed to be?

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I’m not seeing it.

And what do you suppose it is?

That’s right, it’s a sex toy, (I’m not going to show the entire thing) because that’s what leftists do with everything.

It’s their primitive base mind that makes them see everything as potential implements they can shove in an orifice.

32 Comments on Who do you think this is supposed to be?

  1. Brent Spiner for sure.
    There is a Hillary Clinton inflatable sex doll. Can’t imagine anyone but Moslems buying that.
    And OMG do NOT Bing “Hillary Clinton sex toy’ like I did. Jumping Jehoshaphat that crap can’t be unseen.

  2. Soooo … the socialists want to pleasure themselves with Cruz?

    Or they want Cruz to pleasure them?

    I don’t get it. When I evacuate my bowels, I make a Sanders or a Clinton – I don’t wan’t them going the other way – I’ve been fucked enough.

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