WHO doctor says asymptomatic COVID-19 transmission “appears to be rare” – IOTW Report

WHO doctor says asymptomatic COVID-19 transmission “appears to be rare”

Just The News:
Infectious disease epidemiologist Maria Van Kerkhove during a Monday World Health Organization press briefing indicated that it seems to be “rare” for an asymptomatic COVID-19 carrier to spread the illness to others.

“We have a number of reports from countries who are doing very detailed contact tracing – they are following asymptomatic cases, they are following contacts and they are not finding secondary transmission onward, it’s very rare,” Kerkhove said according to Fox News. “Much of that is not published in the literature.” more here

12 Comments on WHO doctor says asymptomatic COVID-19 transmission “appears to be rare”

  1. I wonder how many of the mask wearing masses will ever become aware of this?

    For that matter, I wonder if my own doctor and his clinic that requires temperature checks and masks in the parking lot even before being allowed to enter the building will?

    FWIW, I doubt the MSM will be doing much reporting on it, and that is where the real influence on the majority of people and the way they think is.

  2. Wait, you didn’t think the WHO would let you take off your mask, did you?

    To force you to keep the mouth diaper in place, they have come up with the term “Pre-symptomatic.”
    That means you could become symptomatic at any time in the future.


  3. All the western countries need to withdraw from WHO immediately and form their own Bio DEW Line system to give us a heads up whenever something else gurgles up out of the third world swamp. It’s insane to gamble the health of our countries on a organization staffed by leftish political appointees and lessor qualified researchers simply because they’re from third world countries.

  4. So now that the world economy is ravaged, WHO finally admits that asymptomatic China virus “sufferers“ can’t spread the virus. So a person with the virus but no symptoms is effectively the same as someone without the illness, and therefore can safely go out in public. So remind me again why whe are still shutdown in blue states.

  5. There better be a spike of COVID-19 cases within the next two weeks and if there isn’t I say we loot and burn every MSM headquarter as well as every DNC office, including the personal residences of every national, state, and local elected democrat who supports these protests!

    Fair share ya know. 🥳

  6. What? We’re supposed to be listening to WHO again, now?
    Well, at least what they said this time makes sense. But I suspect it’s only it’s short time strategy to get their funding back from the USA


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