Who Eats Cereal? – IOTW Report

Who Eats Cereal?

They say cereal is falling out of favor with the public. Sales are down.

The trend is toward no breakfast, breakfast bars, or breakfast burritos. People are choosing protein over carbs.


 Other than a significant (5.2%) sales bump in 2020, when more people ate breakfast at home during the pandemic, sales have been on a downward trajectory, falling 8.7% in 2021 and another 3.9% in 2022.

The Journal notes that while people “gorged” on cereal in the ’80s and ’90s due to nutritionists favoring carbs over high-protein, high-cholesterol foods like eggs, experts now warn that the high sugar content found in breakfast cereals may not be the best way to start your day.


46 Comments on Who Eats Cereal?

  1. The deer love it, especially Frosted Flakes. Big Lots had a cart full of expired Frosted Flakes for 75 cents a box. I bought 4 boxes and have been feeding it to the squirrels, deer loves it too. Cereal has way too many carbs for me so I leave it alone.

  2. Don’t know anything about the good-bad stuff. All I know is that Kellogs made their money in a competitive, free market capitalist economic system then stabbed America in the back by supporting commies. Started boycott 20 some years ago, no regrets.

  3. Corn flakes with either bananas, strawberries, or blueberries is easier than making coffee and is a nice break from my bacon and eggs. The store-brand flakes are half the price of “Corn Flakes”, which also makes me feel good. Do they still even make Post Toasties?

  4. Alternate between mini shredded wheat and Jimmy Dean sausage n’egg bisquits. NEED the fiber – sometimes use lite apple juice on the shredded wheat don’t ya know.

  5. About a few times a year. Frosted Mini Wheats, Cornflakes or if I want something from my youth, Cocoa Pebbles. However, never name brand as I don’t feel it’s worth the price. Still like Cream of Wheat as well, but in moderation.

    Lately though, been making my own oatmeal mush and eating that about three times a week for breakfast. Quick oats, bit of water and cream and some blueberries or sliced banana into pyrex bowl and into fridge overnight. Not too sugary like the stuff you see at the store.

  6. Tip:

    If your breakfast cereal is advertised along with kiddie cartoons, you might want to think about NOT GOING NEAR IT.

    Also, The milk is where most of those essential vitamins are coming from in the disclaimer with the “*” at the bottom of the screen.

  7. steel rolled oats, with fruit added maybe

    if you eat the cereal box with whole milk, it is more nutritious than the cereal with skim milk
    did used to like Wheatabix though- haven’t seen it for several years

  8. Never have liked cereal. Michigan brand cottage cheese is my breakfast of choice. it’s a dryer small curd cheese with less sugar than other brands. Why they put sugar in cottage cheese is beyond me. Also can’t stand to eat any sugar in the morning because it makes me nauseous.

  9. Am I the only one that subscribes to Magic Spoon? http://www.magicspoon.com High Protein low carbs and 0 sugar. I find that Blueberry Muffin is my FAVE along with Birthday Cake. Those are the only 2 I like. I’ve never been a ‘chocolate’ cereal fan nor a peanut butter fan. They are always coming out with special edition flavors and those go really fast.
    I have read they might be selling their products in Walmart soon. I’m sure it will be the very top sellers… maybe a good way to see if you like them. 🙂

  10. The Mr. and I don’t like any commercial breakfast cereals.  I make my own granola, it’s delicious with no chemicals or preservatives. We eat it most mornings with fresh berries and whole milk plain yogurt. Granola is made with organic oats (Bob’s Red Mill), raw sunflower seeds, sliced almonds, chopped pecans, raw honey, olive oil and pure vanilla extract. Healthy, better tasting and way cheaper than any commercial product.

  11. @Eugenia, Michigan brand is the best. Can even be a
    decent substitute for Ricotta in Lasagna without turning into Italian soup.
    Grandmother always had it on hand. She put green onion and finely diced celery in hers.

  12. I only eat organic oats made from the finest organic grasses, with an organic roller, with organic heating elements made from the finest organic kitten paws, with only the best organic hot air from a volcano in Italy.

  13. Honestly. With the country going to shit on every front you want to talk about fucking cereal? Of all the many things that Biden has stolen from me I guess the biggest thing is my sense of humor.

  14. used to eat cereal practically every day when I was a kid … with milk brought to the door by the milkman

    worst stuff in the word for a kid (or adult). in 1971 a ‘scientist’ forgot his name) genetically altered basic US wheat to grow faster, give off twice the yield & won a Nobel Prize for it. big agrobusiness loved it, & today it’s in everything from cereal to pasta to tortilla, egg rolls, pizza, fry batter, bread, etc.
    (luckily I wasn’t a kid in ’71)
    & stay away from other grains for protein … corn, rye, barley, sorghum, etc. (basically grass seed) you can’t digest the proteins they contain which ends up screwing w immune, gastrointestinal, and your brain, due to the indigestible peptides

    btw, the milk in your cereal … the amino acids in casein protein in non-human breast milk is being noticed a as ‘situation’ …. wheeeee

    …. bon appetite’

  15. BRAD

    right you are!
    From 1990 to about ’03 i brewed my own beer and mead. Had a row of hops in the back yard.

    The mash after brewing is great plant food. 2 times put it on the flowers. Wife said “It stinks!” Never agian! She was right; but the flowers were better for it!First time I drank mead I got a nasty shock. it is sooo good you drink way too much. Wake up knowing why BESERKERS were such killers!

    My first bottling was a small problem. I over filled ’em and in the Summer they – a few – exploded. Again, a stinky mess. I can learn! Never happened again!

  16. @ Different Tim, I use it in German baking especially since quark is hard to find although I do make that too. It’s reallt good in the less sweet German version of cheesecake, Käsekuchen.

    GFS used to carry giant tubs of it but switched to Daisy. Only one store chain carries now.

  17. I’ve been eating more cereal lately. Never the sugary stuff, just granola or plain flakes. I keep my cereal in the freezer so that when I pour cold milk over it, everything stays cold. Can’t stand warm cereal.

  18. Breakfast is usually 2 very large cups of coffee w/cream. I quit caffeine in my teens, but started drinking it again about 3 years ago because it really does kick start me for a day’s work, and it elevates my mood. Then when it wears off I’m very bad-natured. I should have never started drinking it again.

    I don’t want to live forever, so I eat things that I probably shouldn’t, but not very often. I’d eat oatmeal every morning for the rest of my life if I ate breakfast.

  19. Oatmeal/Cream of wheat (sugarless, use no sugar flavorings) Almond milk, Cheerios with almond milk, Shredded Wheat/almond milk, keto bread with an egg/slice of cheese. Almond milk. Lost 50 lbs in past year (portion control/salads with dinner). A1C from 8 down to 4.9.

  20. Some cereal but our favorites:

    Craisins/chopped walnut steel cut Oatmeal and a couple of slices of bacon. Raisin Bran and bacon. Cheesy grits and guess what…. BACON. Sometimes sausage.

    Fiber and Protein.

  21. Kellogs is named for two doctors. these doctors obsessed about the detrimental effects of stroking your joke, choking your chicken, rubbing the one eyed trouser trout.they invented that idiot lie about growing hair on your palms and going blind

    through a double democrat vegan thought process.they concluded corn flakes would reduce a thirteen year old boys need to reduce the swelling.

    the icing on this cake – that is why the Kellogs Corn Flake box has a rooster on it.

  22. Eugenia,
    My mom always bought Michigan brand. I tried to find it last time I was home, but had no luck.
    Daisy is a decent substitute to anything here in Canada (talk about watery cottage cheese!).

  23. I would if they brought back Puffed Wheat and Puffed Rice. I only liked it because the package claimed it was “Shot From Guns”. Back in 1957 or so, I thought cereal shot from guns must be pretty neat.

    Does anyone else remember that besides me?

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