Who G.A.S. About a Pakistani Monk? – IOTW Report

Who G.A.S. About a Pakistani Monk?

United Airlines bent over backwards for a couple of Pakistani monks and told a woman to move because the monks can’t sit next to women.


1/2 of the American public are not going to be inconvenienced for PAKISTANI MONKS, are they?

Apparently so. The woman moved, she wrote a letter, she hasn’t heard back.

Personally, I wouldn’t have moved. If I were the woman I would have told the airline that I identify as a man. Let them sort it out.

25 Comments on Who G.A.S. About a Pakistani Monk?

  1. “We regret that Ms. Campos was unhappy with the handling of the seat assignments on her flight. United holds our employees to the highest standards of professionalism and has zero tolerance for discrimination.”
    SO, they discriminated against HER based on her sex. OH HELL NO!

  2. Yes, I am certain the airline will be well “rewarded” by giving preferential treatment to the religious folks from Pakistan. Maybe they’ll let them fly the plane! We all know how that turns out.

  3. What? Buddhist Monks can sit next to women

    It is a general principle for monks and nuns to refrain from any physical contact with members of the opposite sex. Monks should have a male present who can understand what is being said when conversing with a lady, and a similar situation holds true for nuns.

    Much of this standard of behaviour is to prevent scandalous gossip or misunderstanding occurring. In the stories that explain the origination of a rule, there are examples of monks being accused of being a woman’s lover, of a woman’s misunderstanding a monk’s reason for being with her, and even of a monk being thrashed by a jealous husband!

    So, to prevent such misunderstanding, however groundless, a monk has to be accompanied by a man whenever he is in the presence of a woman; on a journey; or sitting alone in a secluded place (one would not call a meditation hall or a air plane a secluded place).

  4. Backdoor monk activity to be investigated. it’s all about Buddha boi love, and ma’am, you’re not in the Buddha boi club! Especially since they just ate 4 Viagra Sausages before the flight, even I wouldn’t want to sit next to them.

  5. There is no monkybusiness in islam because they think Monks and Monasticism is sin.
    But we are talking about the same bastards who claim they gave Christians every knowledge we possess since the beginning of allah times but we fucked it all up and became wicked so now we all have to die.
    Piss be upon them.

  6. Catch me on a good day, I’d move if they gave me a first class seat and some cash. Catch me on a bad day and I would have owned a third of their profits. lol.
    If those particular monks had problems hanging out with women they shouldn’t have book a flight or bought 3 seats and left one empty. Like their boxers.

  7. Trying to accommodate a couple of Buddist Monks isn’t such a bad thing but UA went about it the wrong way. They should have contacted the woman first and asked her permission and maybe upgraded her to first class or some other bennies. Doing it without asking smacks of a company with customer reps that haven’t been trained.

  8. On a serious note: who the phuq would want to sit next to one of those assholes? I just hope the airline comped her.. and remember, keep truckin’ for Jesus.. unless your in a Mexican Prison, then your on your own.

  9. A lot of you think these monks are saints. Some are but some groups are no different than little mafias, and just as violent. That came out in reports a few months ago.

  10. Buddhist monks aren’t the genteel patsies of peace everyone assumes they are. They’re religion is based on socialism and extortion.
    The willingness to set themselves on fire, is enough to keep my distance from the weirdos.

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