Who in Trump’s Circle Has Never Come Under Scrutiny? – IOTW Report

Who in Trump’s Circle Has Never Come Under Scrutiny?

16 Comments on Who in Trump’s Circle Has Never Come Under Scrutiny?

  1. There was a Cardinal in the Kremlin, so I guess he was the Peckergnat in the White House (Old Executive Office Building or Naval Observatory – but White House sounds better).

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  2. @Kcir –

    Nobody had to turn Pence – he’s been in the globalist camp all along, pretty much. As governor here (Indiana), he did a few good things, but it was always apparent that he wasn’t on our team.

    My understanding is that Trump was given a very short list of potential VP candidates not of his choosing (on demand of the Repub party, in exchange for backing him as the Repub candidate), and Trump, steered in part by son-in-law Kushner, chose Pence as the least likely to harm his MAGA program. Trump probably was in part swayed by Pence’s supposed Christianity, thinking that indicated he wouldn’t be a globalist sort. But as governor here Pence exhibited plenty of globalist leanings, and for all that he said he was a fundamentalist Christian he made a number of pro-gay decisions, among other not-so-fundamentalist decrees.

    Most of Indiana wasn’t fooled by him, I think – he was simply a better choice than the Democrat running against him. Now we’re stuck with Holcomb, who’s pretty much RINO all the way… one more in a line of globalist-leaning governor’s who do, on occasion, make decisions that please the people.

    So no, Pence wouldn’t have been Trump’s real choice – he was the coopted choice that he could select without making tsunamis with the McConnells and the McCarthys and their bosses. And they got a pliable, reliable spy on the inside, who was promised party backing in 2024 (or 2020, if Trump didn’t survive the coups and impeachments).

    I think Trump knew that Pence was a snake, but he was given nothing but a basket full of serpents to choose from.

  3. I remember the rumors after he was picked of Trump wanting to back out after being talked into picking him and that he was told how bad it would hurt the campaign if he did after he had been announced.

    If the rumor was true he should of stuck to his guns, I doubt there were any MAGA supporters who thought he was a good pick.


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