Who is Endangering Charlize Theron’s Black Children? – IOTW Report

Who is Endangering Charlize Theron’s Black Children?

Charlize Theron says America is just too darn racist and she’s contemplating leaving the country for the sake of her black kids.

Are her kids wandering the streets alone and running into the KKK? I doubt it. I doubt even the KKK would harass little children they encounter on the street.

Are people harassing her black children in her presence? I doubt it. People are too busy sucking up to a celebrity to care what race her children are.

In fact, I would say people would fawn MORE over her kids because they are black.

Where is this 1940s style “get a load of the tar babies” racism happening? I demand to know, because this woman is a friggin liar.

I like her kids, I can’t stand her.

When did she notice all this racism, by the way? Were racists and the KKK dormant during the years when we had a black president and black attorney general? Wouldn’t it stand to reason that if racism existed this is when it would rear its ugly head?

The woman is a LIAR, and a bad one at that.

One last question. Where is this alternative country where blacks have it better than in the United States?

When she comes up with an answer, I hope she honestly changes her mind, for the sake of the children, because there is no better country on earth for black people to live. Black people know that. Black children adopted by liberal whites wouldn’t. They only know what their crazy ass liberal dope mother tells them.


ht/ really enraged

29 Comments on Who is Endangering Charlize Theron’s Black Children?

  1. I would suggest returning to her home country of South Africa. They will kill her (genocide acomin’ in the winds) and her kids will thrive.
    …Lady in Red

    PS: She was wonderful in Cider House Rules, but that was twenty years ago.

  2. It’s TRUMP.
    The SOB never sleeps.
    That three hours they say he is in bed is when he’s roaming the streets, haunting minorities and tearing down the impeccable reputations of FBI agents.

    Or not……..

  3. from the story … ” I wouldn’t travel with my kids to some parts of America, and that’s really problematic.”

    I’m willing to bet that those ‘parts’ are mostly inner-city ghettos

    these people like her, & the Hildabeast’s latest racist rant, are hateful & dangerous to the continued existence of our country, as formed. they don’t help us, they divide us … through their stupidity & deliberate undermining of the feeble-minded

  4. she grew up on a farm in South Africa- perhaps she should return there. oh. wait. sorry. farm would have been confiscated or everyone in it would have been gang raped and murdered. go back, darling, because clearly you hate us and hate it here.
    anyone who dated Sean Penn is not exactly a clear thinking individual.

  5. She didn’t say there are too many cities, populated by black people who shoot black people (AKA: solid blue cities.)
    She said there are too many places she wouldn’t travel to because people are racist.

    Far different. And absolutely a friggin lie.

  6. She’s right. A black kid missed the bus to a new school so he knocked on a door to ask directions. The homeowner shot at him and thank God missed. The shooter is in custody but said he shot because the kid was black. Do not be stupid. Racism in the us is real.

  7. My opinions count for naught in Charlize Theron’s world, so I feel it is only fair that her opinions have the same value in mine.

    I would, however, be open to the idea of her trying to convince me otherwise at a time, place, and state of undress of my choosing…

    BYOB, Charlize.


  8. Cc,
    Do you know what this woman sees and listens to on the nightly news living within miles of Detroit??
    Detroit is the NUMBER ONE violent crime city in the country.
    Detroit, MI- 2,046.52 per 100,000 people are subjected to a violent crime.

    Please. It’s not racism, it’s justifiable paranoia.
    Truth hurts I know.

  9. She should get her white ass out of here now. Back to her native South Africa where she can see some really vicious racism, i.e., black Africans murdering white farmers to steal their farmland.

  10. I can see how she might think America is a racist country after spending time with Sean Penn and his degenerate drug addled son who famously called a black paparazzo a f*cking n*gger a few years back.

  11. Yeah, and she’d let the “Velvet Mafia” fuck her kids to further her, and their, careers.
    Racism? My ass.

    Go to Liberia or Nigeria or South Africa or Zimbabwe – ain’t no “racists” there!

    Typical lying fukkin hypocrite.

    izlamo delenda est …

  12. From wiki
    Theron has two children, both adopted. In March 2012, she adopted a boy.[75] In July 2015, she adopted a girl.[76][77] She lives in Los Angeles.[78]

    She followed Angelina Jolie’s trend and adopted a couple of children for fashion accessories..


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