Who is “Pedo Pete”? – IOTW Report

Who is “Pedo Pete”?

ht/ jd hasty

14 Comments on Who is “Pedo Pete”?

  1. Pedo Peter is the man who caused his first wife to drive herself and her children into the path of a semi.

    Joe Biden is a rotten child molesting pedophile, and his son is going to take them both to hell.

    Can’t happen soon enough.

  2. They call me Pedo Pete. I’m the king of the playground beat.
    When I play the maracas I go kid-chicky-boom, kid-chicky boom

  3. He couldn’t have gotten away with it the Republican establishment’s buy in. Trust me the pedo thing is well established within the creepy bastard’s friends across the aisle. It is one of the common threads woven throughout the cloth that is the The Party. The Republican establishment is in no way the loyal opposition, they are a subset of the progressive movement and as fully invested as any Democrat.

  4. How low is Hunter? As a member of the nation’s most perverted family this cracked-out, drugged-up, fuck-up wouldn’t even be allowed to drive a Pepsi truck if the pathetic, dumb bastard wasn’t able to sell his daddy’s last name!


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