Who Is Responsible for the Death of Matthew Perna? – IOTW Report

Who Is Responsible for the Death of Matthew Perna?

American Greatness:
Julie Kelly

Matthew Perna’s heartbroken family will say goodbye to him this week.

After more than a year of enduring nonstop torment by the U.S. Justice Department, the D.C. District Court, and the news media over his minor involvement in January 6, Perna, 37, hanged himself in his garage on Friday night.

His funeral is scheduled for Wednesday.

In a loving yet raw obituary, his family minced no words about who they hold responsible for his suicide:

Matthew Lawrence Perna died on February 25, 2022 of a broken heart. His community (which he loved), his country, and the justice system killed his spirit and his zest for life. He attended the rally on January 6, 2021 to peacefully stand up for his beliefs. He entered the Capitol through a previously opened door (he did not break in as was reported) where he was ushered in by police. He didn’t break, touch, or steal anything. He did not harm anyone, as he stayed within the velvet ropes taking pictures. For this act he has been persecuted by many members of his community, friends, relatives, and people who had never met him. Many people were quietly supportive, and Matt was truly grateful for them. The constant delays in hearings, and postponements dragged out for over a year. Because of this, Matt’s heart broke and his spirit died, and many people are responsible for the pain he endured.

As I explained in my column Sunday, Matthew Perna did nothing wrong on January 6. He entered an open door manned by two Capitol police officers who did not attempt to stop him or hundreds of other innocent Americans from going inside the building. Matthew did not carry a weapon, assault a police officer, or damage any property. His family said he stayed within the rope lines and took photos that afternoon. read more

30 Comments on Who Is Responsible for the Death of Matthew Perna?

  1. This story is gut-wrenching. Truly gut-wrenching. The only thing I can hold on to in reading about this dear man’s death is that there is no real justice this side of Heaven and that vengeance for his death is in God’s just and righteous hands. Those — even the ones remotely involved — if they fail to repent of their crime (sin) before God, will be horrified at falling into the wrath of his judgement.

    I pray that his family survives this horror. They are right to expose the perpetrators.

  2. If we thought other countries had evil governments, we need to look at our own a lot closer and stop cutting them slack. Just look at what has happened in the last few years that officials just looked the other way on and continue to do today as well.

  3. Deplorable 2nd Class — The piece that is so demoralizing is the court system, specifically the judges. I just can’t believe there is no recourse for the defense to go after judges who clearly sentence along partisan lines. It just doesn’t seem possible that judges are untouchable in this way. You know, the judge and her court officer who escorted the illegal to the back door is facing obstruction of justice charges for that. What is the difference between what she did and judges who also obstruct “justice” in sentencing? That is, a judge who abuses the authority of sentencing law is obstructing fair and equal justice under the law. It doens’t take an attorney to point that out.

  4. Burr — You are right, of course. From top to bottom, our gov’t is one big, coagulated, failed mess. If there was a way to defund them en masse, that would work too.

  5. I’m thinking rope futures might be better than Crypto. I’d mention tar but it’s a petroleum based product and you know how out of fashion dead dinosaurs are.

  6. Defund deschmund. I’m a non incarcerated violent felon who owns a baseball bat.

    Let’s get this party started before we’re all radioactive payin’ 20 bucks a gallon at the pump.

  7. Do it Abbey.

    You can be the smiling non threatening face of the organization while the rest of do the dirty work.

    Just like the I.R.A.

  8. This makes me so sad and angry at the same time. I had planned on attending the rally but I got sick the night before and decided not to go.
    Would I have approached the capitol? Doubtful. Would I have entered it? Now I say “No way!”, but since I wasn’t there I will never know.
    RIP Matthew.

  9. Burr — I’m too old to be the face of anything.

    Jethro — I’m glad we’re not reading about your incarceration. Bill Barr didn’t go after the well-known and easily-found domestic terrorists of antifa and BLM, but this current traitor is goose-stepping his way through decent, law-abiding Americans. No wonder we’re ALL sad and angry.

  10. Anonymush still hasn’t figured out that when the price of fuel goes up the prices of everything goes up. Your Tesla won’t save you.

  11. Nah, anon rides in a bus with a big T on the front cuz’ the rest of TRANSIT AUTHORITY has been graffitied over by his half brothers from da’hood.

    Anons worming away from us being ignorant fools for not wanting to start WW3 to his being above it all by not even driving a combustion engine.

    Because no electric car requires fossil fuels in either its construction or recharging.

    Anon sure fooled us.

  12. I posted yesterday that I just don’t get any pushback any longer when I point out that followers of the progressive movement are wicked and evil, not well intended but misguided and that it is never warranted to concede good intentions to them. Up until a few years ago, most people objected to that statement vehemently, in the last year and a half or so ago the tide turned and I find far more who agree with me on that than oppose me.

    Also, never forget this: We’re it not for the Republican establishment this type of tyranny would not be going on. They are a vital and integral part of the filth that is the progressive movement.


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