Who is that masked a-hole?? – IOTW Report

Who is that masked a-hole??

A small group of truckers from #ThePeoplesConvoy managed to sneak into Washington, DC where they were greeted by a muzzled lunatic.

35 Comments on Who is that masked a-hole??

  1. Is anyone delusional enough to think this dope is an outlier? He seems pretty typical to me; too cowardly to show his face, hysterical, non-sensical, vulgar, primitive, fairly juvenile in his discourse, and lacking all social skills to engage. A tough guy that says his piece while retreating. And the country is full of them.

  2. Yeah that’s mature

    Does he have any other words in his vocabulary 🧐 other than F you? πŸ€”

    Meanwhile the truckers remained calm cool and collected. πŸ‘πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡Έ

  3. Massive anger issues (or the best ham actor since William Shatner).
    I was hoping that he’d either have a massive stroke or walk into traffic and be hit by a car.

  4. What did the unhinged soy eater say “you don’t get to tell me about America!”?, or something to that effect. Typical librat who wants to censor someone else’s free speech. And calls the truckers fascists. πŸ™„

  5. A Deranged Person. Overcome with Hate to a group of hardworking patriotic Americans.

    To have that much hate requires a high level of insanity. I’m guessing he is a member of one of the many communist parties that have sprung up like weeds across America since the 1970s. Trotskyites, Stalinists, Maoists of varying flavors who fight each other constantly over doctrine.

    That boy’s insane anger maybe the result of him knowing he’s going nowhere with that Marxist shit.

  6. One guy. He was the resistance to the freedom convoy? Still wearing a mask too.
    The left get unhinged so easily and then start yelling racist. Sad little man.

  7. My sons in the room, so I had to mute it. When are guys going to stop wearing those slippery, boob enhancing shirts? You just can’t win an argument in one of those.

  8. I was in DC 10 days ago. Every single person had a mask on. I saw two year old walking around with the mask on. I saw many people driving in their cars with their masks on. These people live in a bubble unlike any other, and it is long past time to kick their ass back into the real world.

  9. First off….he definitely is my 1st party invite….second….someone want to inform this troglodyte that no virus can survive more than 90 seconds in sunlight

  10. He was speaking in their native tongue, backwoods mountain folken hillbilly. The only people making fun of those who wear masks are the mentally challenged who have no purpose in life.

  11. I (unfortunately) live not far from DC. I call it and the surrounding suburbs “The People’s Republic of Libtardia”.
    People like that are everywhere. Frothing at the mouth, overeducated idiots. No belief in anything but the power of state and the lies big media jams down their throats.
    The perfect example of Mass Formation Psychosis.

  12. He’s an angry little faggot. The hormone blockers and cross-sex hormones have him in a rage. His little man tits have come in nicely, though. Once he gets his man made vagina, there will be no stopping him.


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