Who is the puppet master who compelled Pelosi and Schumer to issue IDENTICAL TWEETS? – IOTW Report

Who is the puppet master who compelled Pelosi and Schumer to issue IDENTICAL TWEETS?

more at American Thinker.

ht/ anymouse

24 Comments on Who is the puppet master who compelled Pelosi and Schumer to issue IDENTICAL TWEETS?

  1. Monkey See; Monkey Do?

    You’re not implying some COLLUSION or a CONSPIRACY are you?
    That would be, like, y’know, a bad thing … wouldn’t it?

    I’m pretty sure the Demonrat Central Committee of the Politburo issues the thoughts and ideas and talking points for the Demonrat rank-and-file stooges each day – the media get them, as well as does Academia.

    The Demonrats will claim “It’s just a coincidence” and the media will (of course) concur.

    izlamo delenda est …

  2. San Francisco lawyer to 9th circuit Judge: Is it at all possible that both Pelosi and Schumer could have typed the exact same message independently?

    Judge: I suppose it is possible.

  3. I also happens on the right. In the early 90s I was a member of the John Birch Society. The district director gave me a pre-written letter to send to the newspaper. Unfortunately he forgot that he also gave it to another person. We both signed our names to it, the liberal editor printed both letters, and we both ended up with egg on our faces. I was pissed because numerous of my acquaintances took note.

  4. Pelosi can’t even plagiarize properly. She can’t bring herself to speak or type the words, “President Trump,” and when she refers to the position he holds, she can’t offer him the respect the title President comes with as a capitalized word. There is some progress, however, as she hasn’t called DJT “Bush” in a minute.

  5. REPENT of slandering Saint Nancy, you bigots, or the Blessed Mother will send you to Hell!

    Schumer’s probably a Jew, I couldn’t care less about him.

  6. I’d say let them. Maybe if Fox had the guts (I suspect that Gutfield would) they could point out that neither Schumer or Pelosi write their own tweets and therefore it’s likely their opinions are dictated to them. Set up a bit of a clamor and email both demanding the identity of the person(s) writing their tweets for them.

  7. Others have already said it but obviously Pelosi and Chucky had their tweets assigned to them.

    It’s obviously a narrative ploy to control and effect the emotional and mental response to Trump and his policies, to ignore all of the good things he’s done and draw attention to the strawmen arguments.


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