Who is this democrat looking for your “right in” vote? – IOTW Report

Who is this democrat looking for your “right in” vote?

These have been popping up all over the Pacific Northwest.

Bruce Kluliss for Congress.

Who in their right mind would ever vote for such an idiot?



39 Comments on Who is this democrat looking for your “right in” vote?

  1. Looks like a nice little prank to me. I wonder if there is some election law being violated though? I’m sure some dem will make the accusation and some dem office holder is already scouring the law books for an excuse to arrest those responsible.

  2. He needs to change his name and he’s obviously in a district on the other side of Wash. state because I’ve never heard of him before. I hope he’s not as clueless as Lisa Brown is running against Kathy McMorris Rogers in Eastern Wash. Lisa Brown is a Nancy Pelosi wannabe and hopefully she won’t win over here.

  3. Eh, I doubt it. If there’s no campaign website online or money being taken for it then it’s just ‘art.’ Like that swing set that lady broke at the gallery. lol. Maybe one of Bernie’s kids did it.
    Besides, it clearly looks like The Onion, or somebody, did it.
    It’s funny.

  4. “Finally, Washington has specific laws that establish penalties for false advertising via political signage. Candidates must not falsely suggest that they are incumbents, print false information about opponents, use an assumed name, or imitate the state seal on any political signs (see the Public Disclosure Commission’s pol”

    Just sayen, I didn’t sleep in a Holiday Inn last night, but might be worth taking more time than I did investigating.

  5. The First Amendment says I can use my voice to oppose any candidate I dislike. I wouldn’t prop up a fake candidate, but if I want to dip into my own funds to create signs, that should be my right as an American.
    No attribution required.

  6. It’s humor Brad…or my attempt, others will judge. All I did was poke a little fun at the whole ‘Q’ thingy and you predictably responded…..now, tell me to fuck off one more time….LOL…

  7. “now, tell me to fuck off one more time”
    Yea, that should work out well for you. Your obsessed with your humor. Don’t appreciate it. I know at least one person that has stopped commenting here on a regular basis because of the criticism of Q. Here’s the deal, I trouble shoot for a living. The process is you examine the microscopic, record the data, dial back and make a diagnoses. That’s my deal. That’s done countless times every day in industry. But fucking conservatives do it and you are a “Conspiracy Theorists”. A disclaimer, Alex Jones is an asshole. He never fully examined the data. And he’s done more harm to the conservative movement than the Libtards. Willy, stay out of my Fox hole. You don’t GET IT.

  8. Brad, a competent screen writer with political savvy could write the ‘Q’ narrative. I hope it’s true, but I also buy powerball tickets knowing those odds. That’s why I poke fun at the ‘Q’ thing.
    The name calling is all on you and weakens your arguments. So there, nanner, nanner….(sorry, couldn’t help myself)…LOL

  9. According to BB, I don’t see any laws being broken with that political campaign humor sign. I think it’s hysterically funny! If you see one, snatch and grab for a momento. May become as valuable as a Pat Poulson campaign button.

  10. Deplorable Woodman
    Really. Exactly what the FUCK do you think this means?

    “Candidates must not falsely suggest that they are incumbents, print false information about opponents, use an assumed name, or imitate the state seal on any political signs (see the Public Disclosure Commission’s pol”

    And exactly how fucking stupid are you. My patience is up. You all have fun rubbing your special spots. You will fail at the resistants.

  11. “Candidates must not falsely suggest that they are incumbents blah blah blah”

    The key word everything hinges on is CANDIDATES.

    If there is no actual candidate behind this – it does not apply.

    It’s just art.


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