Who Is William P. Barr? His Wiki Page Has Terrible Opening Paragraph – IOTW Report

Who Is William P. Barr? His Wiki Page Has Terrible Opening Paragraph

A Bush the Elder Attorney General, Barr has a stereotypical lefty pedigree.

Wiki- Barr was born in New York City, the son of Columbia University faculty members Mary Margaret (Ahern) and Donald Barr.[3] He grew up on the Upper West Side, and attended the Corpus Christi School and Horace Mann School.

Let’s hope the Trump nominee goes against stereotype.

During August 1991, when then-Attorney General Richard Thornburgh resigned to campaign for the Senate, Barr was named Acting Attorney General.[8] Three days after Barr accepted that position, 121 Cuban inmates, awaiting deportation to Cuba as extremely violent criminals, seized 9 hostages at the Talladega federal prison. He directed the FBI’s Hostage Rescue Team to assault the prison, which resulted in rescuing all hostages without loss of life.[9]

Nomination and confirmation

It was reported that President Bush was impressed with Barr’s management of the hostage crisis, and weeks later, President Bush nominated him as Attorney General.[10]

Attorney General of the United States

The media described Barr as staunchly conservative.[13] The New York Times described the “central theme” of his tenure to be: “his contention that violent crime can be reduced only by expanding Federal and state prisons to jail habitual violent offenders.”[13] At the same time, reporters consistently described Barr as affable with a dry, self-deprecating wit.[14]

Hmmm. Maybe we have a rare upper west side conservative? Wouldn’t that be a kick in the crotch to all the people who discarded Trump as a liberal because he was a New Yawka.


As deputy attorney general, Barr successfully challenged a proposed rule by the Department of Health and Human Services to allow people with HIV/AIDS into the United States.[22] He also advocated the use of Guantanamo Bay to prevent Haitian refugees and HIV infected peoples from claiming asylum in the United States.[23]

Social issues

Barr has stated that he believed the constitution was not originally intended to create a right to abortion; that Roe v. Wade was thus wrongly decided; and that abortion should be a “legitimate issue for state legislators”.[11]

2016 election and Trump administration

Barr believed that then Republican candidate Donald J. Trump’s calls for investigating Hillary Clinton, the Democratic candidate for President, were not inappropriate. He told The New York Times that “there is nothing inherently wrong about a president calling for an investigation. Although an investigation shouldn’t be launched just because a president wants it, the ultimate question is whether the matter warrants investigation.” In the same Times piece, Barr added that an investigation into the Uranium One controversy was more warranted than looking into whether Trump conspired with Russia: “To the extent it is not pursuing these matters, the department is abdicating its responsibility.”[24] Elsewhere, Barr has commented that “I don’t think all this stuff about throwing [Hillary Clinton] in jail or jumping to the conclusion that she should be prosecuted is appropriate. But I do think that there are things that should be investigated that haven’t been investigated.”[25]

Looking good.

Barr is an avid bagpiper, an avocation he began at age 8, and has played competitively in Scotland with a major American pipe band; he was a member for some time of the City of Washington Pipe Band.[26]

I knew it was too good to be true.





16 Comments on Who Is William P. Barr? His Wiki Page Has Terrible Opening Paragraph

  1. His credentials seem too good to be true. The perfect mentality for the tasks at hand.

    Makes you wonder how he’s survived the cesspool of rabid lefty government lawyers!

  2. The fact that Trump knew nothing about this guy as of 2 days ago is a benefit. He sounds like just what the doctor ordered, confirm him immediately.

    His first day on the job he should call Mueller into his office with this ,”Look, not only do I think this whole Russia probe is a complete waste of time, an illegal investigation in search of a crime, not properly vetted or based on any substantive facts that could or would pass any evidentiary standard, and that you by virtue of your past actions and conduct were wholly unqualified to run a non-biased evidence driven investigation, the damage is done. I can’t unring the bell but I can provide some guidance and structure that is so far been lacking. I want to see what you have right now in the order of Russian collusion. I don’t care about process crimes, past tax returns, or who did or did not register as a foreign lobbyist 10 years ago. You and your associates have been free to room all over hell and back, I’m here to remind you about your original mandate, Russian collusion, and to bring some sanity into this so far insane fishing expedition you have been allowed to indulge yourself in”.

  3. I hope he practices his bagpipes daily outside the offices of those conspiring with Mueller. Nothing like that sound echoing in a confined space to bring a quick close to the investigation.

  4. Bagpipes are beautiful if played correctly! I was once moved to tears with a single soulful alto playing in the quiet of the evening off in the distance. Was quite ethereal. No screeching or wailing, just beautiful, soft music. You had to be there…

  5. @Claudia Agreed. Bagpipes were played at Mr. Illustr8r’s Grandpa’s burial at a small fishing town in Alaska. A brisk day with fog and with sun breaking through-very moving. A fitting send off to a fine Scotsman and WWII veteran.

  6. IF FDR and Obama were conservative, clearly Barr is! Would the NYT lie? … If Ronny was liberal Barr is absolutely conservative! I have trusted the Press for 70 years, you all should too! tThey only told us over 100 times Obama was the most conservative President in 30 years; come on, these guys are honest, thoughtful “reporters”!


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