Who Likes This Photo? – IOTW Report

Who Likes This Photo?

27 Comments on Who Likes This Photo?

  1. I don’t like the photo, I think Biden should be given the Roman damnatio memoriae treatment. Bad mouthing him isn’t having much effect. Erasing him would be easier than a burial.

  2. Thank God DeSantis kept the kiddies away, and no hair to sniff. He looks like he’s tempted to start sniffing the thing next to him. There’s only 3 in the pic that has hair and I doubt Biden would sniff DeSantis’ hair. But I dunno desperate people do desperate things.

  3. @Joe Squid October 5, 2022 at 5:21 pm

    Why did Resident Biden have to go there in the first place?

    To break down more of the people’s spirits. They’re about as low as they can get, but Biden can’t resist. It’s taking DeSantis all he got to remain cordial. Biden is satanic, nothing good will come out of him.

  4. Niki Fried (She pronounces it freed, but spelled just like fried chicken) is not tied in any way to FRMA.
    She is the soon to be unemployed Commissioner of Agriculture who ran against Charlie flip flop Crist. She was convinced she was going to be Governor.
    Basically, she’s as nutty as Biden.


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