Who Lives Near Bermuda Run, NC? – IOTW Report

Who Lives Near Bermuda Run, NC?

They say it’s the best of the most affordable places to retire. True?

What are your picks?

28 Comments on Who Lives Near Bermuda Run, NC?

  1. GMaps says this about the town of Bermuda Run:

    It was incorporated in 1999 as a fully gated residential community near country clubs and golf courses like the Bermuda Run Country Club, Oak Valley Golf Club, and Tanglewood Park.

    So the entire town is gated? Interesting. Either the gates don’t mean anything or competently managing access control is a bloody expensive nightmare.

  2. I’m a native of a small town near Wilmington, NC. The three counties near the SC state line are completely overrun by carpetbaggers from NY and NJ. Most have brought their politics with them.
    We don’t need any more

  3. The wife and I road trip when we have an opportunity. We’re on the left coast. We’re extremely attracted to Northern AZ. Prescott in particular. Is it affordable? Much more so than where we currently live but I expect it’s pretty high on the national average.

  4. @Pogo, I’m afraid your reasonable criterion rules out Bermuda Run. It’s a suburb of Winston-Salem, which isn’t too bad, but it’s only 30 to 40 miles from Greensboro. You wouldn’t like Greensboro much: it’s a college town, and goes downhill from there.

  5. I prefer living inside the liberal hive mind – the one that says I’d rather have a convicted felon as President than a confirmed liar and serial child pedo as one…

  6. Pretty happy hiding in Beaverdam VA on 6 acres. Surrounded by four legged neighbors. Guy across the street has 300 acres. Cows Other neighbor has a 200 acre thorough bred ranch. Lake out back loaded with fish. Waterfall around the corner. Amenities are a few miles away.
    I studied this area for years before I bagged this beauty.
    It’s funny. Every time a worker comes here they are astonished by the serenity.
    It’s a hidden treasure.

  7. Speaken for myself, I’m a man of the west. Like Garry Cooper. Sorry boys. I’ll move no father east than AZ. I am glad you guys are settles and happy.

  8. Brad: Come on down! Prescott area isn’t cheap, but it’s all relative. We moved from Oregon so housing here is more expensive, property taxes about the same, sales tax (Oregon has none), vehicle registration a lot higher (comparable to California’s). Lots of California refugees, but still red. We made some sacrifices to live here (rural Yavapai County) but love it. We do miss the beach.

  9. There was just an article in a some magazine or another saying Brunswick, Ohio is in the top list of places to retire and affordable. I will try and find the article.

  10. Reminds me of that Progressive ad where Flo and a guy admire a pristine lake. No sooner have they extolled its virtues than they are overrun with noisy self-absorbed crowds.

    Nope, I’m not gonna chase the next “greatest place to live”. Mine is pretty ok right here.

  11. Any place with a low percentage of blacks and shitlibs around is by those facts alone going to be fairly nice. And the further away they are, the better the place will be. So, a small town in West Texas would work just fine for me.

  12. I thought I had found it 25 years ago, in a small Virginia town which hadn’t changed much since my daddy was sent to military school here to sort him out. Natural and architectural beauty, farmers market and a couple of chain groceries, good doctors affiliated w/the university on the other side of the mountain, affordable housing, and a classic main street of small businesses with parking spaces out front. Hubby and I settled in and blended in and quietly got on with our life.

    Then came an ever increasing stream of Yankees, urban refugees, and investors. They brought their artsy-fartsy non-profits, breweries, concept restaurants, Air BnB’s, boutique shops –and their politics.

    They have managed to strip the local high school of its Confederate namesake, close the main street to vehicles on the weekend, create a housing shortage, and permit utility-scale solar on agricultural land. They bring in grant money to fund their organizations’ renovation of historic buildings so they can host their NY friends’ plays and concerts and their own poetry readings and art shows while the local businesses get priced out of the market and move to the county, so then the real estate taxes go up on the homeowners to make up the difference…

  13. We moved from southern Indiana, a suburb of Louisville, KY, to Miami, FL in 1977. Back then, Miami was mostly an interesting and pleasant place until the Mariel boatlift and the Liberty City riots in 1980. The gullible Carter was tricked by Castro into opening up the US to 125,000 Cuban exiles. Castro emptied his prisons, insane asylums, rounded up all the gangsters, criminals, and hookers, and sent them all to Miami, exactly like Maduro in Venezuela is doing right now. So, we moved to the FL panhandle & fell in love with everything about it. I later got an offer I couldn’t refuse and returned to Miami for a few years, then moved across the alley to Naples where we retired after living there for 14 years. Naples has it all, but since we are not gazillionaires, we weren’t a good fit. We missed living where we still had some good friends, the beaches are the most beautiful in all of FL, the pace of life is much less hurried, there is a change of seasons, and the cost of living is much more reasonable, so we moved from Naples to Gulf Breeze, FL in the panhandle 3 years ago. We are sandwiched between Pensacola Naval Air Station and Eglin AFB, and there are very many military retirees in the area which gives it a genuine American feel and leans distinctively conservative. As a bonus, after every weekend out of town show, the Blue Angels fly low and in formation very low directly over our house every Sunday eve between 5:00 and 6:00 on their way back to base. It fits us very nicely.

  14. I live in Da Hood on .25 acres.
    3 bedroom,pool,electronics lab,
    2 cars, 2 trucks and a Harley.
    1000′ from the interstate.80′
    ham/cb radio tower.Been here 30 years.
    Wife passed 24 years ago.I know all the
    hood people.I will stay here till the end, The Good Lord willing……

  15. I chose Glennville GA as my retirement home. It has one traffic light, the people are friendly, and the county responsible for 20% of the nations onion production.

  16. I live about 60 miles west of Bermuda Run, in Hickory. The NC piedmont is very affordable and with relatively little population and traffic (for now!) Asheville has become a shithole and Charlotte is a toilet in the making.Prior to 2020, we lived in Florida for 35 years. Florida has become unrecognizable. Too many lefties moving in. Too much development and traffic.

  17. So, you have to buy a boat, $160,000 (two or three cabin, ac, freezer/refrigerator etc ) or less if you plan not to use it much at sea. Power or sail. Deltaville Virginia, rent a slip for $4800 per year, electric $75 per month plus get a wind generator. Insurance $1400 per year. The Chesapeake bay is a pleasure to be in with much to do and see. Deltaville is remote but has great restaurants open staggered three times per week. Population about 500 but many nearby towns to visit . Forty feet in length of boat should give you your cabin plus a guest room. Beneteau 37 foot for two for sailing. Sign up for slip or make purchase reliant on assuming current slip. Yazu yacht sales is who found my boat…Expenses are so minimal that if not grilling out we are at a waterside crab place six months per year and inside eating in winter.


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