Who Made Tucker Carlson Burst Into Laughter? – IOTW Report

Who Made Tucker Carlson Burst Into Laughter?

Fox News’ Tucker Carlson took on Univision anchor Enrique Acevedo over immigration Friday.

After Acevedo claimed to care about “rule of law” in immigration, Tucker burst out laughing.

5 Comments on Who Made Tucker Carlson Burst Into Laughter?

  1. I’ve been around both illegal and legal hispanics for 50 years. Their nuevo leadership is pissing me off. Let’s start nuevo again and throw the rats back across the border and severely limit the reentry….50 million need to go back is my guess…..

  2. Go back 60 or 70 years ago, and you see no immigration problems. Mexicans would cross the border freely, work the crops, earn better money than they could otherwise, and then go home to Mexico to their families. Sure, it was technically illegal, but nobody cared and everyone benefited – them, their employers who couldn’t get U.S. citizens to work that cheap (or at all), and the American consumers, who got less expensive products because of cheap labor. They didn’t want to live here, and that was fine with us, as long as they did the work that Americans didn’t want to do.

    So what changed? Internal strife in Mexico drove more people out and into the U.S. to live, so that made the U.S. crack down at the border, which made it harder for the people who just wanted to make money here to go back and forth across the border. Now they’re forced to live here, making money and sending it home to their families that they no longer get to see because of the border restrictions. I can’t even get to the Customer Service desk at my local supermarket on weekends for all the Mexicans wiring money home. Western Union must be making a fortune on these people.

    Want to solve the illegal immigration problem? Improve conditions in Mexico and reduce border security.

    Yeah, I know – two chances.


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