Who Really Murdered the Missing Princes? – IOTW Report

Who Really Murdered the Missing Princes?

Researchers have been combing the archives of Europe to find documents indicating the famous missing princes (Edward V and his brother Richard, Duke of York) did not die after disappearing into the Tower of London when their uncle (Richard III) stole the throne from them in 1483. Interestingly investigators have come up with a paper trail indicating that their eventual killer may have been Henry VII when the two princes had grown up and tried to reclaim their birthright. More

There’s a new documentary reviewing the four critically important papers suggesting the boys had escaped the tower and went into exile in Europe only to meet their end after unsuccessfully invading Britian themselves. Here

17 Comments on Who Really Murdered the Missing Princes?

  1. All those kings, Queens, Princes, Lords, were all brothers, sisters or cousins.
    Like Tony R said At this point what difference does it make?
    Just of bunch of inbred evil that have been running the world for hundreds of years.

  2. …you wanna talk about stuff that doesn’t matter, some nutter went on a rampage at a Beavercreek Wal-Mart, shot and wounded 4 shoppers. (with a Hi-Point, which both explains why they lived and proves he was crazy), then offed himself when LEO showed up. Seems pretty straightforward, open and shut, then I see THIS;

    “Zrinka Dilber, assistant special agent in charge of the Cincinnati FBI Field Office, said that the FBI is assisting Beavercreek police. They are actively investigating the shooter’s background, motivation and possible associates.”

    …WHY?!? Dude is DEAD, what’re ya gonna do, charge his corpse with a HATE CRIME?

    “Authorities have yet to release the identities of the victims, including their races, saying that they have not yet ruled out that the attack could have been a hate crime.”

    ..of course. How silly of me!
    “never let a good crisis go to waste”, after all, and the quick arrival of the Fibbies guarantees adequate evidence supporting the Democommunist narrative can be “found” and anything inconvenient can disappear into some file, never to be seen again.

    I wouldn’t worry about some royal douchebaggery a sextet if centuries ago in another country.

    We have people doing MUCH more consequential storytelling HERE and NOW.

  3. No matter what actually happened to the two princes, history tells us neither one ascended to the throne of England. It probably wouldn’t have made that big of a difference to the commoner in the late 1400, but it sure made a difference when the later Tutor monarch assumed the throne in the 1500s.

  4. For those who think Richard Plantagenet doesn’t matter, you may want to consider that this time of Richard III, when we as a nation were still at a distance on the horizon, *is* our history. These events were happening that contributed to what we would become as a nation.

    Richard III played a significant role in advancing the ideal of the state not being able to seize your possessions before you were prosecuted; bail; of presumed innocence; insisted laws be printed in English; promoted books and publishing.

    The historical nonsense that is Shakespeare’s play (The Tragedy of Richard III) came about because nothing good could be said about a Plantagenet with a Tudor on the throne. He had to make Richard look bad or it was his neck. We, however, do not live under Elizabethan tyranny, and it was only after EI died that some actual investigating could be undertaken and openly discussed and thus it got rolling. While I can understand a lack of motivation (for various reasons) to look into all this, I’m always a little amazed at how dismissive people can be when bandying about things like “probably guilty anyway” or be dismissive about history and why it matters.
    It also kind of amazes me that certain modern “historians” such as Alison Weir maintain an agenda within which he *has* to be guilty, and that her biased, conflicting, and unsubstantiated (and at times absolutely ridiculous) assertions and “reporting” is actually taken seriously. Why isn’t she just interested in *the truth*? She actually succeeds, in at least some instances, in the opposite of her intention.

    In my case I had been reading about him from an “I don’t really care, just kind of curious” perspective and her absurd book initiated, for me, a deeper look. Maybe some might be interested:


  5. I thought they discovered the bones of the Princes some years ago under a stairwell in the Tower. But then, my memory isn’t what it was. Uhhh … what was this thread about? Oh yeah, FJB!

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  6. Why worry about some dead English Royalty of 500 years ago when we don’t know who killed Kennedy and started America on the road to the tyrannical rule of demonrats in our time?

  7. It isn’t a matter of worry.

    Just as the child is father of the man, the past is prelude.

    The more we understand the past, the better we understand the present. And the better we understand the present, the better we can plan the future.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  8. Exactly @ Tim – FJB!

    By the way, the chain of custody of those bones has been so unverified and messed up it’s ridiculous – animal bones were even once mixed in. Though Alison Weir would like us to believe they are the princes, this has never been proven.

  9. two skeletons were discoverd under a wooden staircase in the tower in the victorian era during referbishment , queen victoria order them to be buried in the palace of westminster , at the time they were deemed to be skeletons of two young males aged approx 9 and 12 years old , DNA testing has been refused time and again , richard the third would have been classed as a psyhco serial killer today , he killed one wife one brother abdecated king henry the fourth one uncle and had the princes smothered to leave no marks


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