Who Remembers The 90s Movie With Comedian Sinbad Called Shazaam? – IOTW Report

Who Remembers The 90s Movie With Comedian Sinbad Called Shazaam?

Sinbad plays a genie who is summoned by two kids that want to find love for their widower father.

The video box had him standing sideways in genie pants with his arms folded, the kids back to back with him.

Do you remember that?

I vaguely do.

And that’s a problem.

Fascinating article here about collective delusions.

36 Comments on Who Remembers The 90s Movie With Comedian Sinbad Called Shazaam?

  1. I saw him perform once like in early 90s(?)-very clean and pretty good. I don’t remember this movie but I know he did quite a few flicks and as I recall most were also very white bread clean. I didn’t see any of them and couldn’t name one to save my life. Haven’t seen him for years, guess his 15 minutes is over?

    OK, read the piece and while I am not on this train, I have had several what I thought were absolute positive memories of something only to be proven conclusively wrong. Who hasn’t? In fact just this morning, speaking with my sister, she corrected something that happened 20 years ago that I have incorrectly remembered all these years.

  2. I did some reading on false memories some time ago, and it actually helped avoid arguments. When discussing things that happened years ago, some people will claim they were there when I don’t recall them being present, and sometimes they will recall things that I know didn’t happen. But I just go with the flow now; there is a 50% chance I may be the one who has a false memory, and it really doesn’t matter anyhow.

  3. @Davy – that was the first movie I went to see in a theatre when I was a kid. Great movie with lots of life lessons kind of stuff – but progs are too dense to see that part – all they see is racism everywhere.

  4. There are lots of stories from back in the day that Hippie and Irony and I talk about and it’s amazing how we are staunchly sure that our version of events are the true version. And often it is 2 against 1, but different combinations of the 2.
    So it is weird that two people might be sharing the same false memory.

    But on Reddit they have THOUSANDS of people who are all convinced that they saw Shazaam.

    If I had to guess I would have said the movie existed.
    I can see that video box in my mind.


  5. BFH- what, I’m living in a time warp and cant remember
    what I think I saw but didn’t really see and my own kids
    tell me-dad, your may be on the verge of dementia or you
    have seen to many twilight episodes. Darn now I am really confused..next time I watch a movie i’m gonna record it so I have proof LOL 🙂

  6. That happened to me just a month ago. I remember reading a book in grade school about astronauts landing on Mars. They had crashed and were fixing their space ship to go home. Then Martians appeared but the astronauts didn’t know how. One of them found out that they could shimmy up from below thru the fine sand.

    Just last month I decided to find it so I could read it again. Found it on eBay and bought it (Marooned on Mars by Lester Del Rey). As I was reading it, I wondered when they were going to get to the part where they came up from the sand.

    I was so surprised to find it on the 4th to the last page of the book.

    It had impressed me so, that thru the years, it became more prevalent in the story that it really was.


  7. That’s funny. I vividly recall seeing some pale, effeminate black dude playing the part of president of the USA for the past eight years.
    The thing is, he sucked at it but the media swooned over him like he was some kind of God.

  8. There was a Laugh-In skit I remember featuring Artie Johnson and I’m not talking about the “very interesting” shtick. He played a nervous guy that kept saying, “I can’t believe you thought I didn’t know that. Why did you think I didn’t know that?” I’ve googled every which way for a reference to this and can’t find anything. Does anyone else remember this or am I nutz?

  9. I remember him in Houseguest and First Kid. First Kid he is a Secret Service Agent protecting the first kid, took my kids to see it when it came out, I thought it was good. I like Sinbad, clean humor and funny.

  10. BFH – the strangest Mandela Effect is the position of continents on the map. I know there are various projections (Mercator etc.) and the ol’ handy globe, but it has changed…

  11. The greatest cause of false memories is testosterone poisoning. People with too much testosterone never remember what they’ve been told, and always imagine what they’ve said to those not afflicted.

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