Who remembers when two Yankee pitchers swapped wives? – IOTW Report

Who remembers when two Yankee pitchers swapped wives?

I remember when this happened. It was a freaky and perverse scandal.

19 Comments on Who remembers when two Yankee pitchers swapped wives?

  1. Yes, back in the 1970’s.

    Who remembers the outfielder who’s goal was to urinate against the outfield wall in every ML stadium? He was traded around a lot, but I don’t think he reached his goal. Can’t remember his name though.

  2. It was the free wheeling 70’s and I don’t know why but wife swapping was a big deal then. Which was something I could never understand, who in their right mind swaps wives. I married my wife in 1977 the old fashioned way for better or worse, till death do us part etc. and not to trade her in or swap her with some other guys wife just because I didn’t like her for whatever reason.

  3. These days, if two ball players left their wives to marry each other, and then one of them transitioned to “female” and then joined the Olympic women’s softball team, they’d be lauded as fucking heroes, doubly so if their ex-wives married each other.

  4. don’t remember that, but do remember when my neighbors got divorced. she then married another guy. he then married her new husband’s sister. now his ex-wife is his sister-in-law and everything is hunky dory.

  5. I remember it happening at the time and it impressed me as no less cheap, crass and tawdry than Hollywood types having marriage ceremonies for their dogs, which was all the rage. OK, I am 13 years old at the time and I can recognize that these type of things are being deliberately done in order to to cheapen and discredit the institutions that have define the culture and thereby set the stage for fundamental changes being pushed by the progressive movement.

    Not that I had a firm understanding of all of the ins and outs of what was going on, but I had an innate sense that this was an attack on out way of life. My mother did not comprehend or recognize what was going on until about four or five years ago, two years before she passed away at the age of 95.

    When I was younger she considered me to be “reactionary” and we had quite a few major battles over the years. It was only after looking back at the progression into what we have been witnessing that she was able to appreciate that what my instincts were telling me were valid.

    Damn shame that a well educated person can fall into such an easy trap to spot.

  6. Did you hear the one about a guy whose brother died and the guy started shacking up with the dead bros’ wife and allegedly even his 13 year old NIECE?
    It’s called the Hunter Biden Story.

  7. 1) How the hell does that alimony work?

    2) Is it like selling your house without an agent and saving big on the Fees?

    No Idea. I’m still married and all I see out there is overstocked product with features I’m not interested in and hidden damage.

  8. @geoff the aardvark, Jim’s first wife wanted to do that crap. He was not gonna do it. She eventually just started sleeping around on her own. I thank God he was what his sister called a one woman man. His first wife was a moron. We got married on 7/8/78. He was my first and only and I miss him terribly.

  9. I remember that. And about 5 years before that, Darold Knowles was the phys ed teacher at my elementary school and used to refer to me as his girlfriend, which wasn’t weird at all; it was a kind gesture to a profoundly shy 8 year old kid who was suddenly kind of cool. About the time these goofballs were trading wives, I was reading about my old boyfriend winning the World Series.

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