Who Said This? – IOTW Report

Who Said This?

I am feeling so humbled this week. I feel truly horrible for the things I said and believed in 2016 about @realDonaldTrump . I believed the worst politically, which he proved me wrong at almost every turn. In the most dramatic cases (life/Israel/China/authoritarian)

I expected @realDonaldTrump to take control federally at the first opportunity. Here we are in a massive crisis. Bush ‘violated the free market to save the free market.’ Trump could have violated federalism to ‘save federalism’ yet he has stood firm through COVID.

But let me cut to the chase. I believed he actually didn’t care about people. When @realDonaldTrump called me after my fathers death, I assigned the motive to politics – AND SAID SO. What haunts me this week is how my words must have hit his children. How

Did I miss, the sharpness of my ‘judgement’ without consideration of family. Me? A guy who has lived it from his side. I wanted to end my interview with @realDonaldTrump son this week w/ a personal apology, who had spent 20 minutes with me as if we were old friends.

I didn’t want to embarrass myself in the end and failed to do the right thing again. I don’t regret my doubts or expressing my concern in 16, but the fact that I missed his humanity and was blind to his family. I said at the time, ‘I hope I am wrong and will…’

Will be the first to admit it.’I did. On air and personally to the president himself.But it was all about politics. I knew he loved his children and they him. What I failed to see, is the reason I think they love him. @realDonaldTrump is a loud New Yorker with a private heart

53 Comments on Who Said This?

  1. When @realDonaldTrump called me after my fathers death, I assigned the motive to politics – AND SAID SO.>>>>

    And I am assigning your motivation to be your thinning wallet – AND SAYING SO!

  2. we should always extend a warm hand of fellowship to any repentant never Trumper. after all, every vote counts.

    that being said, I’ll never listen to his show again, no hard feelings bub. as we are striving for fellowship I won’t list my reasons and just rejoice that another protecl son has returned.

  3. Oh. Em. Gee.!! Glen Beck is virtue signalling!!! (See what a good boy am I to publically apologize and try to whip up good feels from the public?”)

    He still can’t figure it out.

  4. Glenn Beck is the Robin Williams of ‘conservative’ talk radio. Very unhinged. A danger to himself.

    I still think that one of his guest hosts, Doc Thompson, threw himself in front of a train. The official story was that he was jogging with earbuds. Sorry. Not buying it. Trains make the ground rumble.

  5. I’ve heard a few callers into Rush talk about not voting for Trump in 2016 and being on the Trump train now. Also sure seems the Biden Republican never Trumpers are much smaller in size. No spoiler like Even McMullin and lunatic Regina Thomson running around to screw up voting.

  6. Even if you profess to be a devout Christian, with a few exceptions, the ingrained instinct for self-preservation (i.e. the “thinning of the wallet”, as BFH correctly surmised) always takes precedent in your actions, even if it requires insincere groveling. We may be witness to such an “epiphany” with GB.

  7. I used to listen and respect Glenn Beck 10 or 12 years ago before he took a header over the deep end into the shallow part of the stupid pool. What happened did his latent Mormonism creep back in like Mitt Romney or did he start drinking again, I don’t know.

  8. Sorry — most of you sound like perpetual haters. Do you see something related to never Trumpers when you look in the mirror? Glenn has done way, way more good than harm. When someone says “sorry” we believe them. Again, shame on many or you other wise good hearts.

  9. Oh man, not interested a bit in your shit cheeto face. Long gone…long, long gone. Funny thing is I heard he partnered with Levin who was another one I dropped 4 years ago because of his unhinged Trump hatred.

  10. @Anonymous August 28, 2020 at 5:03 pm

    “…When someone says “sorry” we believe them…”

    You need to look at the timing of Beck’s mea culpa. It came after a masterful RNC production that effectively highlighted all that Trump has accomplished in office – not to mention contrasting the stark differences between him and the dnc conduit, Joe Biteme.

    Just about everyone (99.9%) on this site saw a long time ago what Beck just “had revealed” to him. We’re not that much wiser than Beck, he just had the right incentive to “see the light”

  11. @anon.

    He did do good. 9/12/2009 DC was amazing. His mapping out of Fabian socialism was instructional.

    But Glenn needs to take care of Glenn at this point.
    I think the man is unraveling.

    As for earlier comment about Levin, he was an early skeptic of Trump. But he’s totally on the Trump train now.
    I was an early skeptic myself. There is nothing wrong with that.

  12. I’m a Trump guy. Voted for him in ’16 and will do it again this November.

    But he has unfinished work – and a lot of it. The Wall is the big one. I said last year he would not get my vote unless there was some progress on The Wall – there was just enough, but he has got to FINISH it. We are waiting.

    He has too many family members in his admin – especially son-in-law Jared. He needs to be removed. It looks and smells like nepotism.

    He has also got to put the rioters down immediately after the election – surely he knows antifa and BLM would kill him and all conservatives if given the chance. Put the rabid animals down, Mr. Trump.

    He should have put Hellary Hagwitch Clinton in jail back in 2017 – but here she is, wandering around like a zonked out zombie and biting him in the ass every chance she gets

    But even with that, he is head and shoulders above the buffoon the dumpocraps have put up.

  13. TimBuktu

    You sure you’re a Trump guy?
    You’ve mistaken him for King or Emperor on most your gripes.

    “Put the rabid animals down, Mr. Trump.”

    That’s some stinken thinken Tim. Ever hear of States Rights? Besides, he’s converting huge Libtard towns to Conservative hamlets as time marches towards Nov. 3rd

  14. @BB

    Yes, I’ve heard of states rights. What are the states doing to stop them? Should riots continue till our cities are burnt out blackened ruins? If states don’t act, the Fed gov’t must and there are precedents for it.

    Calling what I think “stinken” is a decent rhyme, but not very truthful. I don’t give you any crap, so why are you doing this? I did say Trump was head and shoulders above Biden. See that?

  15. TimBuktu

    Not meant as crap Tim. I have a lot of conservative friends that are FED UP. Masks, Antifa, BLM. Let’s face it, America doesn’t seem the same as it did 6 months ago. You can’t even go see a movie. You sound just like some of my friends. My comments were meant as more of an intervention. Didn’t mean to piss you off.

    Edit, Forgot the most important part, None of what’s going on is Trumps fault. We are being punished by the left for voting for him.

  16. For now I will remain skeptical of Glenn’s motives. I haven’t once watched his show since the Trump campaign going into the election.

    However, often a former smoker is the most passionate anti-smoker. Or the most evil of sinners before being saved often becomes the most passionate devout sincere Christian. After self admitting how wrong they had been, and being truly grateful for a second chance.

    If he seems to have come round to sanity, I may try watching him again, but hold on to the possibility it’s just his newest schtick. Unless or until he proves long term he has indeed learned from his previous mistakes.

  17. I agree with Blink.

    OK not a fan of Beck, (not just because he really could have fucked over Trump and called us raycissss for voting for him) but he legitimately has stopped harping on Trump for a long time, now. So I will give him a pass for doing the right thing.

    That said, it’s a trust issue now. Once you get burned, you expect it to happen again, even though you see a change.
    That’s just how it goes.

    There are others that have left camp never trump. I’m okay with their help,
    and I don’t have to like every single one of them either. But hey 2nd chances are appropriate.

    There won’t be a third, though. So watch your ass. lol

  18. As far as I’m concerned Beck has shown his stripes. He is not on our side. Some lefty could come up to him with a great deal for sticking it up Trumps ass and he would jump on board. He is as phony as that Falwell character is looking.

  19. MJA — Well said. We all know the die-harders like Kristol and George Will, etc, who will NEVERTRUMP to the bitter end. It’s a peculiar brand of arrogance, isn’t it?

    Those guys, we just write off as a dead loss. But there is one man who is #NeverTrump who I SO, SO, SO admired that to this day — after only seeing him ONE time on a ONE minute YT clip trashing Trump — I cannot even speak his name out loud. It’s too sad. It’s something I can’t unhear. And he is only about a gazillion times smarter and wiser than Glen Beck.

  20. Sounds like 2016 again.
    Lets kick President Trump to the curb.
    He only built 300 miles of wall, not enough, and he has not killed Hillary and the whole group that was involved in the coup.
    Sounds good to me.
    Go Biden yea that the ticket.

  21. Beck is Operations Manager of Looney Tunes Central and a drama queen. Can’t trust his “change of heart” about supporting President Trump, which seem to happen every time he needs money for his show.

  22. It’s sad that we must question Mr. Beck’s motives.
    It’s sad that President Trump is constantly demonized.

    It’s sad that the World is turning to …
    “Things fall apart; the center cannot hold; Mere anarchy is loosed upon the world, The blood-dimmed tide is loosed, and everywhere The ceremony of innocence is drowned; The best lack all conviction, while the worst Are full of passionate intensity.” (Yeats)

    The ties that bind us are being cut. Societal atomization is at hand.

    We are tending towards the totalitarian Utopia:
    “… no Knowledge of the face of the Earth; no account of Time; no Arts; no Letters; no Society; and which is worst of all, continual fear, and danger of violent death; And the life of man, solitary, poor, nasty, brutish, and short.” (Hobbes)

    Have pity on Mr. Beck and praise him where he deserves praise.

    izlamo delenda est …

  23. @Geoff

    Criticizing Trump does not equal support for Biden.

    Hillary is suspected of a lot of things. Did you ever say “Lock Her Up”?. Well, I did and still think her activities need to be investigated. She is entitled to a trial before hanging.

  24. Why does Beck still get listened to when he was PROFOUNDLY wrong about Trump?
    He gets paid to be a pundit and influencer and he did his level best to try and get Hillary elected because Trump was “to the left of Hillary!!”
    We should have a cancel culture of our own. He’s on the short list as far as I’m concerned.
    All the compassion in the world doesn’t equate to allowing an incompetent to remain on the job.
    He nearly uncovered the core and you have people saying he should still be at the switch.

  25. Why?…. Why are you people slamming the guy…w….who’s always been there for all the great, fantastic, wonderful ….patriots….of this great natio…..choke…..I…I’m sorry, sob… I swore I wasn’t gonna’ do this….wh…wh…whaaaaaaaaa!!!!



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