Who wants to have a hat chat? – IOTW Report

Who wants to have a hat chat?

I have a few minutes. What’s on your mind? What is ticking you off? What is making you happy?

If you have ten minutes to spare, readers would like hear what a fellow reader sounds like.

Shoot me an email at bigfurhat.mail@gmail.com with a phone number you’re comfortable with me having, and I’ll call, we’ll talk, and it’ll end up on youtube.

8 Comments on Who wants to have a hat chat?

  1. Well then. I’ve heard what Fur sounds like on my phone. He’s nicer than I expected, him being from NY and all.

    Kidding Fur. That was fun. Puzzled the crap out of my wife who I was talking to on the back porch.

  2. I’m feeling quite smug (Not Ed Begley Jr. Smug)

    Got off of Work…Opened a Beer(s)

    and took apart all of the Factory Window Screens

    and reinserted No-See-um Screens in every Window( really tight

    mesh) Now I have every light on in the House…Testing

    So far so good.

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