Report: Evidence depicts Hunter Biden conspiring with foreign nationals to smuggle someone through US/Mexico Border – IOTW Report

Report: Evidence depicts Hunter Biden conspiring with foreign nationals to smuggle someone through US/Mexico Border


Gateway Pundit-
Wray Refuses to Say Whether Joe Biden Took Money From Burisma or Any Other Foreign Companies (VIDEO)

Hunter Biden was paid up to $80,000 per month to sit on the board of Burisma Holdings, a Ukrainian natural gas company.

Last month Grassley revealed Mykola Zlochevsky said he kept 17 audio recordings of conversations with Joe Biden (2) and Hunter Biden (15) as an insurance policy.

“According to the 1023, the foreign national possesses fifteen audio recordings of phone calls between him and Hunter Biden. According to the 1023, the foreign national possesses two audio recordings of phone calls between him and then Vice President Joe Biden. These recordings were allegedly kept as a sort of insurance policy for the foreign national in case that he got into a tight spot,” Grassley said on the Senate floor last month.

“The 1023 also indicates that then Vice President Joe Biden may have been involved in Burisma hiring Hunter Biden,” Grassley added.

NEXT: Nikola, Nikolay, Mykola Zlochevsky and Hunter Biden article from 2021…

Hunter Biden Smuggled Foreign Criminals Over The Border To Meet Joe Biden And Possibly Obama.

Tore Says:

During deliberations yesterday with a team working on the crimes committed by the Biden Crime Family and the 44th Administration, we stumbled upon EVIDENCE depicting Hunter Biden conspiring with foreign nationals to smuggle someone through the Southern Border of the United States to meet the Vice President and possibly the President of the United States. He didn’t smuggle them on a whim. This was CAREFULLY planned and calculated to EVADE the Department of Homeland Security restrictions on the individual(s) and to access intelligence from four (4) different nations to get it done.

By the end of this brief article, you will see how they planned it for almost a year, used law firms and contacts worldwide to get the job done.

12 Comments on Report: Evidence depicts Hunter Biden conspiring with foreign nationals to smuggle someone through US/Mexico Border

  1. So we need to ask ourselves why is Humper such a serial fuckup at everything he does, including crime?

    Much can be ascribed to the obvious fact he is simply an arrogant, worthless, imbecile like his father, but it goes much deeper.

    Ask yourself why did his mother pack him and all his siblings into a car and drive in front of a semi?

    Her desperate desire to escape her satanic husband’s grip and stop the constant molesting of her babies led her to kill them all instead of subject them to a lifetime of perversion.

    Unfortunately for Humper he survived and ended up in the hands of his new mommy who lacked his actual mother’s care and protection.

    In fact it’s obvious from the photo that the Pedo was molesting Jill from an early age as well.

    Jill married her molester and allowed the Pedo to take showers with their daughter, what makes you think the Pedo is not an equal opportunity molester?

    He is as inappropriate with young boys as he is with young girls.

    Humper was stupid, weak, and cowardly like his old man and us now a perverted debauched pederest like his dad.

    Beau was strong enough to resist the Pedos predation nut Humper is just a wreck of a creature.

    So why does nothing happen to Humper? Because he is protected by the most powerful cabal on earth. The cabal that gave us a serial rapist Clinton, a serial faggot Obama. and a serial rapist, faggit, and pederast in Biden.

    They are rubbing our nose in his malfeasance and laughing in our faces over it.

    Check out the GP today for an article on Jim Caviezels declaring the CIA as the biggest pedophile ring in the world.

    Told ya…

  2. I don’t care if your child is 5 or 50, you still have an obligation to care FOR him, not to pimp him out and use him as some kind of financial carnival ride thru life! This alone makes Jackass Joe lower than a snake’s belly in a wagon rut and one of the most despicable scumbags on the face of the planet, but what he has done to the nation makes him the biggest traitor in our country’s history!

  3. I wouldn’t want to be joey or humper at the final judgement by God. If they think that they can get away with all their criminal activities and sexual perversions, they ain’t seen nothing yet when God finally calls these 2 jerks into account. FJB and humper too.

  4. Is anyone surprised?

    This is a function of diabolical narcissism. There isn’t a single aspect of these shitbags miserable lives that isn’t a product of their contempt for Christian virtue. This entire rotten nasty outfit is nothing but low bread gutter trash.

  5. If the Republican establishment wasn’t profiting by protecting, or at a minimum ignoring the obvious, this would not be happening.

    Think I’m exaggerating? Well then you’re not very observant. The minute anyone starts talking about the corruption it doesn’t take long before the GOPe mouthpieces show up to defend the status quo and protect the racket.


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