Who Will Help This Poor Crippled Dog and Give Him Food and Water?? – IOTW Report

Who Will Help This Poor Crippled Dog and Give Him Food and Water??

There are people like this. I won’t name them.

13 Comments on Who Will Help This Poor Crippled Dog and Give Him Food and Water??

  1. Fake beggars are as old as Hell.
    The Court of Miracles in Victor Hugo’s “Hunchback of Notra Dame,” and Arthur Conan Doyle’s “The Man with a Crocked Jaw.”
    Yesterday I saw a beggar on a off ramp with a sign that read “handicapped,” and he was leaning against a bicycle.

  2. My first horse (a smart Quarter Horse/Morgan) figured out that if he started limping on the way out on the trail his naive, young rider would get off and walk him back to the barn. It took a while for me to catch on that he was just lazy and taking advantage of my naivete and soft heart. He would miraculously stop limping on the way back😏😁

  3. If he was a human he’d be one of the Muslim “corpses” paraded around for show (like the guy who fell off the platform a few years ago at “his” funeral and miraculously came back to life and climb back on to the plank).

  4. A lot of freeloaders’ full time jobs is figuring out how to work the system of handouts. I’ve always thought that if they would only put that kind of effort into a paying job, they’d undoubtedly be making a better than good income with all the perks they are bilking us for.


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