Who Won the Debate? – IOTW Report

Who Won the Debate?

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45 Comments on Who Won the Debate?

  1. Ted Cruz was a presidential Reaganesque, Eatwood-Dirty Harry Cruz badass!

    “I know what you’re thinking. “Did he fire six shots or only five?” Well to tell you the truth in all this excitement I kinda lost track myself. But being this is a .44 Magnum, the most powerful handgun in the world and would blow you head clean off, you’ve gotta ask yourself one question: “Do I feel lucky?” Well, do ya, punk?”

  2. Trump was the gladiator put on display and Fox News was the wielder of the most biased attack on a candidate I’ve ever witnessed.
    He’s not a god, he’s just a man. He bled, but he stood tall.
    Trump delivered an excellent interview with Sean Hannity afterwards.

  3. For me, it was a toss-up among Ms. Carly, Mr. Softy (Cruz), and Mr. Money (Trump), but the American economy and world events will help determine who will be sworn in as US President in January 2017.

    That …and voter fraud.

  4. Mr. Pinko. If Megan Kelly is SO CONCERNED about Trump’s so-called “war on women,” why didn’t she insist that Carly be part of the prime time debate? Poll rules schmools. She could have threatened not to be part of the moderating if Carly was not allowed to be onstage. Oh wait. That’s right. Because she is full of shit. By the way, it’s good to see you again. Or maybe I just miss your posts. ?

  5. Carly is an under the radar Trump. Was watching some Youtube stuff, and she handles the asshole media with class.
    But I must say, I am reluctantly becoming a Trumplican. He appears to be a man who will get the job done.
    Sorry, but the rest (besides Carly) have all have their balls cut off. Except for maybe Cruz. He is the only other one in my mix.

  6. Paul, Rubio, Cruz, Carson and Fiorina all emerged as the serious candidates Thursday. Trump is good for bringing media coverage and people who normally wouldn’t watch a Republican debate.

  7. The moderators seemed passionate about making the candidates fight each other: “Candidate A, this question is for you. Candidate E said you were a PooPoo Head. Will you answer him and tell him why you are a PeePee Head instead?”

    Thankfully, they didn’t much take the bait (except for Paul who did it all on his own).

    There was one debate in 2012 that pitted two candidates together, sitting at a table, with one “moderator” (more like a time-keeper). I don’t remember who put it on but I thought it was brilliant. I watched the one with Herman Cain and Newt Gingrich. I know they did the rest (don’t remember the match ups), and I got more information from that than any 20 of FOX News-type “debates”.

    Whoever it was, wish they would do that again.

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