Who Would Be In Biden’s Cabinet? – IOTW Report

Who Would Be In Biden’s Cabinet?

He’s not going to win, so this is just pure fun.

Secretary of Agriculture

Attorney General

Director of the Central Intelligence Agency

Secretary of Commerce

Secretary of Defense

Secretary of Education

Secretary of Energy

Administrator of the Environmental Protection Agency 

Secretary of Health and Human Services

Acting Secretary of Homeland Security

Secretary of Housing and Urban Development

Secretary of the Interior 

Secretary of Labor 

Director of the Office of Management and Budget

Director of National Intelligence

Administrator of the Small Business Administration

Secretary of State

Secretary of Transportation

Secretary of the Treasury

U.S. Trade Representative 

Secretary of Veterans Affairs

White House Chief of Staff

idea by PHenry

42 Comments on Who Would Be In Biden’s Cabinet?

  1. …the only things in Joe’s cabinet is a bottle of Johnson & Johnson No More Tears shampoo, a child-sized mannequin head, a bottle of baby powder, and some paper towels for…later…

  2. AG – Gloria Allred
    CIA – Valerie Plame
    Education – nobody, the Common Core Curriculum will take care of itself
    EPA – Greta Thunberg
    HHS – Kermit Gosnell (after pardon)
    Treasury – Hunter Biden
    OMB – Elizabeth Holmes
    Small Business Association – Gretchen Witmer
    SecDef – Dick Blumenthal
    Vet Affairs – Chelsea Manning or Beau Bergdahl
    DNI – Maxine Waters

  3. Secretary of Energy – JEB!

    Administrator of the Environmental Protection Agency- Ben & Jerry

    Secretary of Health and Human Services – DOCTOR Jill Biden

    Acting Secretary of Homeland Security- No one. Buy a shotgun

    Secretary of Housing and Urban Development – Corn Pop

    Secretary of the Interior – Chip and Joanna Gains

    Secretary of Labor – A pregnant woman

    Director of the Office of Management and Budget- Ashley Biden

    Director of National Intelligence – Magic 8 Ball

    Administrator of the Small Business Administration – The guy who invented ‘New Coke’.

    Secretary of State – Dora the Explorer

    Secretary of Transportation- Flo from Progressive

    Secretary of the Treasury- Hunter Biden

    U.S. Trade Representative – El Chapo

    Secretary of Veterans Affairs – General Mills

    White House Chief of Staff – Cardi B

  4. Secretary of Defense – Ilhan Omar
    Secretary of Agriculture – Alexandria ‘did you know vegetables grow in dirt’ Ocasio Cortez.
    Secretary of Defense – Jane Fonda

  5. You all need to be careful. Don’t fall into the same trap that Hillary Clinton supporters fell into in 2016. If you get complacent and don’t show up to vote, Joe Biden is guaranteed to win.

  6. Okay, I’m gonna base my choices on the absolute worst person you could possibly stick in that position)

    Dir Natl Intelligence – Sandy Cortez, aka AOC

    Sec Defense – MISTER Bradley Manning

    Sec State – Killary (at this point, what difference would it make?)

    Sec Treasury – Hunter Biden

    Dir of DEA – Hunter Biden (he can multi-task, alright?)

    Dir of ICE – Jorge’ Ramos

    Sec Transportation – Norman Mineta (so we can have a 9/11 v2.0)

    Sec Labor – Hunter Biden (he’s the laziest most shiftless POS on the planet)

  7. Don’t worry @mohammeds pink swastika.

    This is playtime, which is necessary so we don’t go crazy.

    Election Day and the days leading up to it will feature IOTWarriors taking care of business.

  8. Mohammed’s pink swastika-
    I snapped at someone a few days ago who said, “Oh I’m just voting for Trump, I’m not bothering with the rest of the choices.”

    My head spun 180 like Linda Blair.

    “Hold on hold on hold on… no. no no no…”
    Trump wins, right?


    And because you didn’t FEEEL like voting down ticket, he gets caught up with democrat assholes in the Senate/House?

    -Oh. Yeah.

    THOSE are the types of people who complain an R in the White House never gets anything done, as if the guy is KING. FFS. Some people on our side make me so tired sometimes.


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