Who wrote this, and when? – IOTW Report

Who wrote this, and when?


Carl Sagan- 1996

Do we know what his politics were? He sounds like he’d be concerned with the left today.

ht/ illustr8r

28 Comments on Who wrote this, and when?

  1. “I must study politics and war that my sons may have liberty to study mathematics and philosophy. My sons ought to study mathematics and philosophy, geography, natural history, naval architecture, navigation, commerce, and agriculture, in order to give their children a right to study painting, poetry, music, architecture, statuary, tapestry, and porcelain.”
    John Adams
    US diplomat & politician (1735 – 1826)

    This is from Quotation Page dot com. Anyone else see what part of history they forgot. Ignorant bastids!

  2. Does anyone remember the book, Mega Trends, by John Naisbitt? It hit the corporate scene in the early-mid eighties and was touted as the “paradigm shift” in our social order. And it was a bag of gas. Corporations were gobbling up the advice that as we moved further toward the use of technology in our daily lives, we needed to cuddle more. That was their answer to technology — feel our feelings more; no advice to harness technology and make it subordinate to our lives instead of letting it lead us by the nose, no warning to about becoming the slave of it instead of its master. Just roll over, give up and wonder why.

  3. I ask everyone to remember
    Sagan is the jerk that harnessed the world with
    The preposterous notion of
    Greenhouse Effect
    which led to the
    Global Warming Lie
    which when the world wasn’t warming became the
    Climate Change Scare
    which has profited the leftist pigs and their minions
    at enormous cost to the world economy
    and contributed to the continued desire to
    Destroy the Middle Class
    The hated Bourgeois !

  4. AA, I remember it. I bought it and was disappointed. It seemed to me to be a ripoff of “The Third Wave”, by AlvinTofler, which was a book that really made an impression on me.

  5. Sagan was a journalist, not scientist. JayPee was right about Sagan’s global warming alarmism. Sagan also thought that atomic bombs would destroy the planet. He made good videos but he was a sucker for propaganda.

  6. Well I’m no Carl Sagan but about that same time frame I was laying around my motor home getting ready to shoot ducks in the morning and one of the two TV stations I could get reception on was PBS. Frontline was doing a special on how Bill Clinton and Walmart facilitated the Offshoring of manufacturing in the United States. Everyone should try and dig that up and watch it. It scared the hell out of me. And sure enough it happened. Let’s hope DJT can right the ship. But it won’t happen until we replace the damn RINO’s.

  7. Hey Brad, hanging out in an RV watching TV is different than when I went duck hunting. I guess that’s one of the differences between California and Minnesota. We froze our tails off in a duck blind, we did have a cabin to go to after, but there was no running water and we had to build a fire.

  8. Ted

    It’s a duck club. 25 good buds and their families circle the wagons, (RV’s) grill you meals, get up at 0 dark thirty, go shoot ducks, drink to much and get up and do it again. Best times of my life. Remind me to tell you about the time Peta showed up. It’s a hoot.

    But anyway hunting ducks ain’t like hunting Caribou.

  9. Sounds like a great time Brad. I shoot trap and skeet not a big fan of eating ducks.
    And if I shoot it I’m eating it.
    Last time I was hunting was 10 years ago. Just too busy now.
    Own and operate an electronics business. Medical equipment

  10. Ted

    Net time you shoot one, breast him out, slice the breasts into strips. Wrap one around a Water Chestnut or Jalapeño. Wrap a piece of bacon around that. Stick a tooth pick through it and grill it with your fav sauce. Then go shoot more ducks.

    Medical Equipment? I bet you could tell some tales about the Ocare medical device tax. Be interested in hearing it sometime.

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