Who ya gonna believe – Chris Wallace or your lying ears? – IOTW Report

Who ya gonna believe – Chris Wallace or your lying ears?

17 Comments on Who ya gonna believe – Chris Wallace or your lying ears?

  1. He’s a douche wrapped up inside another douche, he’s a double douche….

    The only good thing is that PDJT manned up to the insufferable asshole and now Pedo Joe will look weak and afraid as he hides from Chris the smarmy little priss.

  2. That was a great interview and the insufferable Chris Wallace was burned many times. Trying to shamelessly distort the virus numbers. Claiming he isn’t a partisan. All while having to suck it up and sit outside in the heat, which he complained about a few times, because Trump wanted it outside.

  3. He is playing on semantics. Biden is playing to both sides, so he didn’t completely say defund but he certainly means cut support to police.
    Meanwhile, on the plus side for Wallace, he has said that he is waiting for Biden to respond to his request for a similar interview.

  4. He is still trying, and failing, to regain his stature as personal pivot man for his father and Dan”the truth” Rather nightly circle jerks in CBS hqtrs in NY. Yes, he had stature, and fame, and slimy hands then as well as his pissy voice and attitude.

  5. Asking probing questions regarding issues that the busy public may not have heard? Na, it’s strictly a game of gotcha and every question was meant to distort the presidents statements and intentions.
    Wallace is a good little doggie for the leftists who’s praise he craves.

  6. Trump should make it a condition of any interview that the media schill wear a MAGA or KAGA hat.

    Wearing a baseball cap, Wallace looks like Elmer Fudd.

  7. More proof I was right when I said Fox was a leftist GOP org. Chris was the Ronny hating Bush loving anchor at NBC before Fox hired him. He has always been a liberal/progressive “news” man.
    I think he hates Don almost as much as he did Ronny 30 years ago. So he loves Bush – natch!

  8. Haven’t watched Fox News for a long time. I do watch Varney and Co. Wallace is a puppet for the leftist media. Like father, like son. Notice the flight of Fox News reporters/anchors to the slime stream media in recent months.


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