Whoa, This Is Awkward – IOTW Report

Whoa, This Is Awkward

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19 Comments on Whoa, This Is Awkward

  1. 1. Fox: “Whoa what the **** is that smell? Gad!”
    2. Kitty: “Now I’m the boss see? I’m taking over and from now on you do what I say see? You got it?” Dogs: “Yes Boss”
    3. Kitty: “What? You have work to do? Well you’ll have to wait. I’m warming my paws right now”.
    4. “Now if you make an adjustment to the F stop you’ll get a better depth of field in your shot and I’ll stand out from the background much better.
    Ok I’m ready for my closeup!”
    5. “Ok little one. Tell monkey Santa what you want for Christmas!”
    6. Kitty: “Ok human. When I jumped into that box, you knew this was going to happen and you let me jump in anyway. And now you’re taking a picture of it? This is going to end up on Claudia’s IOTW Sunday Pet Pix I just know it”
    7. Hound dog: “I’m stuck between a hard place and a hard place”
    And now for a word from our sponsor…
    8. “New from AT&T. The kitty-gram. The new service takes advantage of a kitty’s liquid state to allow the kitty to be placed into an envelope. After that they can be sent to anyone anywhere in the world. When the envelope is opened and the kitty is exposed to air it pops back to its original shape. Know somebody who could use a pick me up or whom you just want to send a reminder that they’re important to you? Try the AT&T KItty-Gram. Send one today.”
    Now back to our animal list already in progress…
    9. “Ooof oh, ow, Hey, Hey guys we can’t all …ouch we can’t all fit through this hole at the same time!” Knock it off! Hey! Stop pushing!”
    10. Does a bear s*** in the……wellll uhhhh….. Bear: “Hey! Do you mind?”
    11. Kitty: “I am the waffle king. You shall bow down before me and make me much waffles”
    12. Dog: “I’m an expert at disguise. My human will never find me as I have disguised myself as this bag. He won’t even know I’m in the room…hee hee he..shhhhh here he comes”
    13. “Got your nose”. “Leff guh Leff guh amuh noth”
    14. Kitty: “Told you I could fit in this box. Now pay up and give me my kitty treat”
    15. “Whoa. Ok this isn’t good. Oh you’re taking a picture? Great. When you’re done laughing would you mind putting me back on my feet?”
    16. “Oh yeah. Sorry Harold that spot’s slick. I meant to tell you about that”.
    Great job as always Claudia.

  2. Great pics, Claudia! The skunk/fox photo reminds me of a recent story. My older brother said that his ex, who is not American (I won’t bother with what flavor of non-American she is because it is irrelevant to the fact that she is stupid) called him up to tell him, excitedly, that a cute little black animal with a big white stripe had made a home under her front porch:

    My bro: Holy crap that’s a skunk!
    Ex: A skunk, huh. It is called a skunk. Do you think I can pet it?
    My bro: Sure, absolutely.

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