WHOOPI CANCELED! (for two whole weeks) – IOTW Report

WHOOPI CANCELED! (for two whole weeks)

This is a pretend canceling. The left protects their own.

This is an update to THIS POST

42 Comments on WHOOPI CANCELED! (for two whole weeks)

  1. An Appeasement. To save her really tan dumb fucking fat ass. Why, why, hasn’t the COVID swooped down and taken this fat victim. The world would be a much better place.
    Ted Danson agrees.

  2. As a pundit noted, the one thing that isn’t being focused on is that regardless of her spoken errors Whoopi absolutely doesn’t care about anything bad happening to any white person. Her error was in conflating Jews and whites, supposedly, but her original point was ‘I don’t care because they are all white, and deserve to die.’

  3. OK, I can’t stand that fat rayciss bitch, and anything that happens to her I’m fine with. But I don’t understand, since when did Jews become a race? I thought being Jewish was a religious belief. Is being German a race? It seems to me that she could be more right than wrong. The holocaust wasn’t a race issue as much as it was a religious issue and an issue of dividing groups of people in order to make some people good and some people bad, with the intent to weaken them all. If whoopie is going to face an outrage over her beliefs and statements I’ve got to believe we can do better than this.

  4. @Brad in the late ‘90’s, Whoopie dated Frank Langella. They were such an odd couple-I couldn’t see the attraction-but okay whatever. They were together 5 years.🤷‍♀️

  5. Hitler and the Nazis considered Jews to be a race. That’s the context of all this.

    Where Goldberg went wrong is that she shouldn’t have tried to make it all about her own self and her constant signalling to the “black community” that she’s still one of them.

    I wonder. Does she have a washing machine big enough or does she have to take those couch-sized slip covers she wears to a commercial laundry?

  6. “Why, why, hasn’t the COVID swooped down and taken this fat victim.”

    Obvious answer: She’s a valuable agent for the dark side. The virus isn’t the killer, it’s the lousy treatment afterwards with toxic so-called vaccines being a really bad thing all by themselves. Any vaccine she gets will be saline.

  7. Loco, that confirms my point, the Nazis were intent on dividing all groups of people. Similar to what our liberals do today. Religion does not constitute a race. Man’s inhumanity to man does not make one white guy slaughtering another white guy a race issue. And again, I can’t stand whoopie fucking goldberg!

  8. “But I don’t understand, since when did Jews become a race?”

    There is an element of genetics that applies to Jews. Not ALL Jews, because anyone can become Jewish by choice.

    But, people like me that had a Jewish mother, are Jewish by birth. Regardless of choice. This is a genetic thing that bears out in many ways. Jews have their own diseases and susceptibilities that are common because of genetics.

    I am a Christian that was born a Jew. Just like all the Apostles and all the other Jews that follow Jesus. Last note: Jesus never stopped being a Jew following Jewish traditions. Just had to put that in there.

  9. @Left Coast Dan February 1, 2022 at 10:20 pm

    Whoopi isn’t flagellating herself for supporting the genocide of Americans. No one else from The View is being attacked for supporting the right kind of genocide.

    Whoopi is being “re-educated” for thought crimes. By those that support the right kind of genocide.

  10. Dadof4, it’s not just Jews that have their susceptibilities to diseases at a higher rate than others. Myself, I have an inherited blood disease that is more prevalent in Mediterranean peoples than say Norwegians for example. That quirk of genetics doesn’t make me of a different race.

    All I know is that if we want to rip whoopie to shreds we can do better than this statement of hers.

  11. “All I know is that if we want to rip whoopie to shreds we can do better than this statement of hers.”

    We can agree on that, for sure. Weak sauce. No argument from me.

    Yet, Jewishness has long been considered a race category. Back to Biblical times. Side point.

  12. Joe, I see everyone as the same race. truly.

    We all came from Adam and Eve. Also through the genetic bottleneck of Noah’s flood.

    We are but pieces of the whole.

    Hating other pieces is stupid.

  13. Some races are more equal than others… Whoopie just wants the Racism card to be exclusive to American Blacks only. Blacks are the only victims, and the perpetrators have to be non-Blacks.

    All the other atrocities & genocides throughout history (whether white on white, Asian on Asian, or even Africans on other Africans) are nothing to her and actually makes people lose focus on the real Racism card defined above. American Blacks are to be the victims for all time.

  14. I hope Whoopie gets back on the air as soon as possible and ever guest that comes on The View asks Goldberg about her thoughts on the Nazis and the Jews until ABC can’t take it anymore.

  15. Just think, Dan Danzig used to stick his pole into Whoopi Goldberg! Would love to know what he thinks when he sees her now when she has morphed into a shite spewing brown Jabba the Hut! Of course she was still screamingly ugly back then anyway when he was hittin’ her stench pot. Do you have nightmares about Whoopi these days Ted?

    Who cares about the View and what this grotesquely massive racist says anyway.

  16. The Joooz who run the media don’t like their comfy Holocaust narrative questioned, ever. Apparently she ain’t smart enough to remember that Jewish media moguls always trump the Black race card.

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