Whoopi Slams Debra Messing for Targeting Trump Donors – IOTW Report

18 Comments on Whoopi Slams Debra Messing for Targeting Trump Donors

  1. whooppee is now on rob reiner and michael moores list.

    speaking of lists, She’s on Bill Clintons list for a different reason and she’d be on epsteins if he werent dead.

  2. Just by being here at iOTW we are all on the list.
    iOTW is always in the top 100 of the conservative sites on the internet.
    They know who we are,do we care; No we don’t.
    The best thing is all of us lost our guns in the lake when the boat sank on that group camp out.

  3. Caryn Elaine Johnson was born untalented and ill-relevant. Splash in some heroin, children taken away, white guilt MSM and you get here 30 years later,,,
    Such a think-tank ‘Whoopi’.
    She had to throw in Goldberg to get auditions,,,
    at that time, damn, no surprise it worked.
    Gotta be a lot of pretty damn ugly untalented and ill-relevant Goldberg s out there to have made this happen.

  4. Whoopi is still an ugly leftist tool. She’s referencing the McCarthy blacklist of communist Hollyweird sympathizers in the 1950s. Joseph McCarthy did this country a favor by exposing the Deep State operatives manipulating government, enterainment, and the arts.
    https://www.conservapedia.com/Joseph_McCarthy .

    Whenever the left pretend they care about everyone’s civil rights, it’s just a way of protecting their own interests and unintentionally exposing their paranoia. Conservatives are still the boogeyman whom the left project their doxxing tactics on, because they fear one day conservatives will use against them.


    Let me tell you what’s going on here….

    They are trying to one-up each other. While Alyssa Milano is being fawned over at parties for her activism, people (women) get jealous and start finding ways to draw attention to themselves and move up the social ladder.

    If you don’t punish these people and make an example of them, they will be emboldened even more. Ask the Muslims how to deal with big mouths.

  6. Commies have been lionizing those accurately portrayed and punished for taking orders from Stalin for 60+ years.

    Turns out that they are fine with blacklists as long as they decide who is on it.

    The Communist ends always justify the Stalinist means.


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