Whore Says Economic Downturn Coming – They Know – IOTW Report

Whore Says Economic Downturn Coming – They Know


25 Comments on Whore Says Economic Downturn Coming – They Know

  1. “Whore Says Economic Downturn Coming”

    She made it sound like the economic downturn is ALREADY HERE.

    But I couldn’t get the sound up loud enough to hear everything she said.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  2. Hooker who can do division.

    Whoda thunk?

    But she’s probably right. Just because things are lousy don’t mean they can’t get worse. Franklin Roosevelt created a recession in the middle of the Depression.

  3. “Always live your life like you’re the only one paying bills and you’re the only one that’s going to have your back because that could be a reality at any point in time.”

    She’s not wrong.

  4. A financial advisor that gives gummers to plumbers. And why not, a man who shits his pants daily and can’t identify himself in the mirror is warring with the entire world like he’s Suleiman the Magnificent!

  5. geoff the aardvark Saturday, 3 February 2024, 7:46 at 7:46 am

    I clicked and immediately turned it off, I don’t need to take any advice from a hooker. Gimme a friggin break, have we sunk that far.

    Yes, we have sunk that far and lower.

  6. So her pimp is sending her 1099s? That’s quite an operation. And maybe she made less in 23 than she did in 22 because she’s not worth as much as she was. And no health insurance in her profession???

  7. She’s bitching about not having 6 months of funds saved.

    Her bills are $72k/yr.

    She made $256k last year.

    She could have saved 3.5 YEARS of funds just last year alone.

    Her predicament is her own doing. And she’s lecturing the internet on income and spending morals? Pound sand, whore.

  8. She’s smarter than the braintrust that constitutes Pudding Brain’s advisors. If Clintoon were still in the WH, Hillary would be bonkers over that lady being one of Bubba’s “economic” czars.

  9. Sorry, I can’t get past about a minute of the video without realizing that the whore is still talking and having to scroll back to find out what I missed. It may be possible to listen without watching, but that kind of misses the points.

    “I need MOAR whore meds,” the whore moans.

  10. My career got thrown away by the company I gave 15 years of good work. They blamed covid and their inability to make a profit.
    I’ve been trying to get a good job since then. no one wants to hire a 60 something.
    This overpriced date is whining about her bills…. I survived by looking at what monies/bills were going out. once you realize how much you’re wasting….less coming in is doable


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