Who’s Calling Who a Fraud, Bernie? – IOTW Report

Who’s Calling Who a Fraud, Bernie?


In a breathtaking display of a complete lack of self-awareness, Senator Bernie Sanders (VT-I) declared “this guy (Trump) is a fraud,” this weekend on CNN.

This coming from the man who still identifies himself as an independent on his own official Senate webpage and who has angered Democrats by injecting himself into the selection of the next DNC chair.

Video of Bernie on CNN Here

Democrats angry at Bernie Here 



13 Comments on Who’s Calling Who a Fraud, Bernie?

  1. He ran for president KNOWING that he was just a prop to make dems think they actually had a choice – and then took a payoff to drop out when the “party” thought he wasn’t going to go through with “the plan.” Now WHO IS THE FRAUD – Bernie?

  2. Poor Bernie has been a fraud all of his adult life. After losing several state-wide runs as a progressive he changed his “affiliation” to Independent. Unfortunately the voters were crazy enough to elect the socialist in sheep’s clothing. He has gone from a failed carpenter, living in a shack in the woods without electricity, to purchasing a $600K lakefront property as his third home. All while milking the public teat. He rails against corporations and golden parachutes but is silent while his wife accepts a $200,000 buyout from a small, financially strapped college on its way to bankruptcy largely due to her administration. He talks about working hard for veterans but essentially has accomplished nothing in his 25 years in Congress while the VA system has become an ever larger National embarrassment.

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