Who’s Doing the Raping? Don’t Ask ‘Law & Order: SVU’ – IOTW Report

Who’s Doing the Raping? Don’t Ask ‘Law & Order: SVU’

TownHall/ Ann Coulter: With the impeachment nonsense making TV news unwatchable, I’ve been catching up on “Law & Order: SVU” recently.

The scripts involve the sort of real-life crimes that are a lot more common since our country has become “diverse,” such as child rape and incest. But the child-rapists are never diverse, as they are in real life. No, the perps are always blond, blue-eyed American men.

In fact, the modern American white male is the least rapey, most gentle, protective, chivalrous creature God has ever created. Get ready for a gigantic I TOLD YOU SO when American women realize that, from 1620 to the day Ted Kennedy’s 1965 immigration act kicked in, they never had it so good.

I wouldn’t mention it, except for “Law & Order: SVU.” It would be as if the writers portrayed New York City as a sleepy little burg and Dixville Notch, New Hampshire, as a fast-paced metropolis, jam-packed with skyscrapers.

In one episode titled “Zero Tolerance,” a white American male sells illegal alien girls to other white American men in a sex trafficking scheme that was somehow enabled by Trump … SEPARATING CHILDREN FROM THEIR PARENTS AT THE BORDER!!!

(The theory of causation is a little vague, but it was definitely Trump’s fault.)

Also, according to “Law & Order: SVU,” the main demographic with a sexual fetish for pre-pubescent Hispanic girls is: handsome, married American white men.

Thus, the john having sex with a 9-year-old illegal alien in this episode was a white businessman, married with two sons, who was in New York specifically to have sex with underage girls.

You have to admire television writers who have taken a vow to never leave their homes, have any human contact or read. more

18 Comments on Who’s Doing the Raping? Don’t Ask ‘Law & Order: SVU’

  1. Doing their part to bring attention to the white culture of america who’s reprehensible deeds have brought such shame upon themselves and harm to minorities.
    The sooner the demise of this plague of white devils is erased the better life will be for the superior cultures.

  2. I noticed the exact same thing years ago.

    But don’t forget that now, in almost every episode, “Olivia” literally spells out a politically correct opinion in baby steps for the audience that is related to the episode / case somewhere in the middle of the show.

  3. when I had DirecTV, we always referred to this show as Law & Order SVU, All Men Are Guilty or SVU, special vagina unit.

    Olivia Benson: Product of a rape, can’t keep a steady boyfriend.
    Finn Tutuola: Angry POC whose son just happens to be a faggot
    Munch: Multiple ex-wives, conspiracy freakazoid (in real life too)
    Elliot Stabler: AKA “Steroid”, constantly has to prove masculinity to offset Benson’s.

    I’d rather watch Lancelot Link, Chimp Detective but don’t tell PETA

  4. You actually watch that shit?
    Knock me over widda feddah!

    Sorry, never watched a full episode – after 30 or 40 seconds … meh …

    I’m with WDS – I’d rather watch Lancelot Link – better acting, better writing, better directing.

    izlamo delenda est …

  5. I gave up on this show about one-third of the way thru season one. Essentially the same story line repeated over and over ad nauseam. Plus, truthfully, the acting wasn’t all that good. Munch was the only character worth watching! I’m amazed that it lasted beyond season three let alone 20 plus seasons.

  6. Don’t watch L & O or criminal minds.
    Sordid fictional stories about morally degenerate people.
    Why not watch actual crime cases, instead of this made-up liberal virtue signaling bullshit?

  7. According to the FBI, yeah, I know.
    The chance of a woman of colour being raped by a white man, essentially zero.
    When the Duke Lacrosse rape team shit hit the fan, It didn’t take a rocket surgeon to know it was a pack of lies.

  8. All the characters that Munch has played from Homicide: Life On The Streets in the 90’s to Law & order SVU still remind me of the stoner he played in the movie The Groove Tube back in the mid 70’s. He still looks like and acts like a stoner. With that said I can’t stand reruns or new versions of Law & Order since Lenny Jerry Ohrbach’s character as well as Jerry himself died.

  9. White Christian males built Western civilization, the most advanced the world has ever seen. That’s the reality; everything else is just “feelz,” as the kids say.

    I’d rather pick lint out of my navel than watch television.

  10. I watch as little T V as possible as just about every show is a morality play where the heroes are are either women or minorities and “white” men are the villains. Not that women and minorities can’t be heroes but please, let’s have some proportionality.
    We started watching some British crap show about archeologist doing a dig and finding Knight Templar artifacts. The main characters then go on to moan the blues about how the Templars slaughtered the muslims and how anti-muslim one of the professors was. No mention of the horrors the muslims inflicted on Europe and the rest of the World. At that point we said screw this and turned the channel.
    It seems that every show has a SJW slant to make you see the errors of your ways if your beliefs are not in line with the show’s.
    What I have learned from watching commercials and T V shows is that as a “white” heterosexual “man” married to a “white” heterosexual “woman”, I am now in a minority group. So when do I start to get special protections and rights?

  11. The writers room picture shocked me honestly.

    Woman are writing this boring ass stale bread show?? No good drama. No good romance. No family life for the characters. Just regurgitated social justice propaganda or the same rape story recycled times infinity.

    Can’t believe it.

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