Who’s Fighting the Good Fight – IOTW Report

Who’s Fighting the Good Fight

Kaeley Triller conveys a very interesting story in The Federalist of who showed up to fight transgender access to women’s bathrooms. After losing her job by opposing open locker room laws, Ms. Triller found a job dedicated to that very fight.

Her group went to the churches in her state then the mosque. Guess which one lent its full support for the cause?




4 Comments on Who’s Fighting the Good Fight

  1. This tells me more about some Christian Churches than it does about those who follow the false prophet.

    These ARE the same Churches that today would not allow Jesus to speak for fear of offending a minority of their congregation.

    Many Churches are more concerned with number of butts in the pews, dollars in the collection plate, size of their buildings and social club type programs.

    The battle is between good and evil. Some churches believe they can weather the storm without entering the fight.
    Does you Church fight the good fight or are they content not offending anyone?

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