Who’s Having Cranberry Pie This Thanksgiving? – IOTW Report

Who’s Having Cranberry Pie This Thanksgiving?


After the turkey, stuffing and mashed potatoes, there’s nothing like kicking back on Thanksgiving Day with a nice slice of … cranberry pie?

On Monday, Instagram released a map showing the most popular Thanksgiving pies in each U.S. state, and in what the company is calling a “very 2020-esque twist,” cranberry pie — not pumpkinpecan or apple pie — came out on top.

That’s right: cranberry pie is apparently the most popular Thanksgiving pie in 14 states, according to Instagram’s data, which is based on the number of mentions that different kinds of pies have received on Instagram feeds and stories in November. More

35 Comments on Who’s Having Cranberry Pie This Thanksgiving?

  1. My Great Uncle’s second wife by marriage served a pear pie on Thanksgiving. I’m not really a sweets guy cuz I’m sweet enough already, but this pear pie will make you rethink your existence….

  2. “A way to a man’s heart is through his stomach.”

    Well, come on in ladies!

    No, actually, I do cook. Good cooking is music to your taste buds.

    Happy Thanksgiving, everyone! (And now, the Thanksgiving fudge…)

  3. Just did an apple cranberry side dish.

    It’s just my middle daughter, dad and I this year. Work wouldn’t let me take the week off as I took it off last year, wankers. It’s deer season in WI and hubby and youngest daughter are up there for annual family get together. Youngest just bagged 2 deer, momma so proud.

    Roasting a chicken with veggies. Sweet taters, green beans, stuffing, gravy, cranberry sauce. Punkin’ pie with (real not canned) whipped cream.

    Midday snack was splitting a quart of oysters that dad brought up from Joe Patti’s seafood market in Pensacola, and a few beers.

    Oh and Jimmy, the fastest way to a man’s heart is through the 4th and 5th intercostal spaces

  4. Geoff C. and I had a Thanksgiving breakfast of a short stack, sausage links, fried eggs and coffee. First time I’ve ever had a huge, filling breakfast (or any breakfast) on Thanksgiving day. Now I’m going back to bed (at 12:16p) to watch a good movie and catch some ZZZZs. No big dinner today. We’re going to do something this weekend, probably.

  5. I’m a big fan of cranberry pie so what did my wife make for Thanksgiving at her nephew’s. A raspberry, blueberry, cranberry cheesecake. She is making another one now because the first one disappeared. Quality control!

    Happy Thanksgiving everyone!

  6. When wife and I moved to Italy in 1979, we invited an Italian National we had become friendly with.

    He was polite, but horrified by Turkey, mashed potatoes and gravy, green beans and cranberries on the same plate.

    Then came the pumpkin pie.
    Che cosa e questo? Merde di bambino?

    What is this? Baby shit?

  7. My mother always brings a mincemeat pie as that was my grandpa’s favorite. She can’t attend this year so we’re not having it. We (my sister and I) have tried making it before with her recipe and jarred mincemeat but it’s far from the same.

  8. I just pulled my freshly baked “fruits of the forest” pie out of the oven:
    It’s a family favorite, and a hit at every event I take one to.

  9. Hoo Hoo Nay Nay – sure, if you want to break a man’s heart. But I think the 5th intercostal space would cut his aorta which would really ruin his meal… Better to enter through the stomach with pie!

    One year, there was so much pie, we didn’t know what to do, so we sat around for the rest of the day just eating it. I think 20 people gained several pounds each just from that.

    Punkin, Boysenberry, Wild Mountain Blackberry, Blueberry, Apple and Pecan.

    We should have just had nothing but pie for dinner. (My grandma used to make a strawberry-rhubarb pie that was to die for. Dammit, Jim!)

  10. I made a pumpkin pie but my daughter (20) wanted different. She made a cranberry pie in a ginger snap crust. OMG! Delicious! It was, essentially, a smooth curd filling and flavor was heightened with lime zest. Sugared, whole cranberries and whipped cream were the garnish.

    To brag, she also made entirely from scratch croissants and pate choux puffs filled with goat cheese and spicy salami. She could make money doing this!

  11. If you want to try it:
    Favorite Cranberry Pie
    For the filling you’ll need:

    3-1/2 cups fresh or frozen cranberries
    1 cup sugar
    2 teaspoons grated lemon zest
    1 teaspoon grated orange zest
    1 small navel orange, peeled, sectioned and chopped
    2 tablespoons butter, melted
    4 tablespoons all-purpose flour
    1/4 teaspoon salt
    For the pie pastry, you can follow our Classic Butter Pie Crust recipe:

    2-1/2 cups all-purpose flour
    1/2 teaspoon salt
    1 cup cold butter, cubed
    1/3-2/3 cup ice water
    1 egg, lightly beaten
    Additional sugar
    And for the finishing touch, the orange cream, you’ll need:

    1 cup heavy whipping cream
    1 tablespoon sugar
    2 teaspoons grated orange zest
    1/2 teaspoon orange extract (optional)


  12. Well, as sometimes happens to us old-ish geezers, all the kiddos have moved off, every which-a-way across the country. So, Thanksgiving get togethers have become practically extinct.

    Yesterday, however, I did get to spend a very lovely day with granddaughter Number Three. She eagerly, and ably assisted in preparing a turkey/garden veggie stew with dumplings, fresh deviled eggs (gathered them herself), and right from the oven, buttered buttermilk cornbread. For desert, an apple-cherry-cranberry cobbler…apples and cherries from the orchard, frozen cranberries from the store. We made a batch of baked ‘fried’ pies from the excess cobbler filling. She had fresh whipped cream on her cobbler, I preferred Braum’s Homestyle vanilla ice cream for mine. We finished off the meal with mugs of hot mulled eggnog, without the ‘nog’.

    Never being much of a sweets guy, same vein as WillysG, was not overly impressed with the cobbler effort, though, Lil Bean’s mama does make killer pumpkin and pecan pies, which I confess to tolerating every year or so. No. Three, however, proclaimed the feast the “absolute finest” she had ever eaten. Luckily, for me, she is still at that wonderful, tender age of certainty in which her Abuelos hung the moon. She just recently achieved the ripe age of ten, so I’ll enjoy it while I can.

    Not much of a Thanksgiving Eve or Day, compared to the full house hustle and bustle of days gone by, but I savor the richness of each moment spent with my beautiful Lil Jelly Bean.

    Ps. 127:1-5


  13. Normal Thanksgiving, great, wonderful….just….

    Did anybody else do a zoom call ….and everyone on the other end were all wearing masks?

    Meh. Too stuffed to worry about it. Hope everyone had a lovely meal….I seem to be getting a lil’ sleepy myself….something…something….zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

  14. I was invited to two different family events…. Feels intrusive so I stayed home and had a banana and coffee. At around 13:00 my neighbor’s son showed up with enough food and pies to last me through Sunday. Really sweet people.
    Happy Thanksgiving!

  15. As usual I made 2ea. triple Crusted Apple & Cherry Pies (with 1 top and 2 bottoms) and 2ea. open top Pumpkin pies.

    To all T-Day Anti-Family gathering banning officials. There wasn’t any Turkey, Mash Potatoes, jelled cranberry sauce, giblet gravy, stuffing, corn on the cob, French cut green beans, sweet pan fried cornbread wasted or left over.

    We had $1 plastic meal containers at Dollar Tree and took the excess to the local area Street Homeless along with water and body wipes.

    YES !!!!1 We openly violated your illegal Anti-Family orders. Because we had our own kids, their wives and our grand kids eating to together. All told we had Husbands and Wives, and 5 grand kids, nieces and nephews (11) pony up to the table and feast as a Nuclear Family.

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