Who’s Not Afraid To Be Called A Nazi? – IOTW Report

Who’s Not Afraid To Be Called A Nazi?

A study done on millennials found that a majority would give up a hand to avoid being known as a Nazi. Another group would rather die than live to be 93 and known as a pedofile.


When you’re always opposing the left you get immune to the name calling and attempts to ruin a reputation.

19 Comments on Who’s Not Afraid To Be Called A Nazi?

  1. I’d rather be called a Nazi than a progressive snowflake.

    Actually, you can call me anything as long as you don’t call me late for lunch. And if I live to be 93, I’ll be laughing at most of the dead people who insulted me in the past.

  2. I know I’m not a Nazi. I know I’m not a racist. I know in my heart of hearts that respect and equality is earned, not mandated. Your words of derision mean nothing, and I’ll not be swayed by those admonitions. Preach your bullshit to the weak minded, I’m immune.

  3. Call me anything you choose for as long as you wish. Some folks have, with no response from me.

    Threaten my family or me once, I take it seriously.
    I may be older, less able than my younger years, but I can still create a lethal shit storm.

  4. On my last submarine me and another Chief in engineering department were known as Hate and Discontent.

    We were also the most effective divisional Chiefs on the boat. 🙂

    Some of the junior enlisted spoke of me as satan. I always laughed at that one.

  5. The maggots who don’t want to be labeled “NaZi” are the NaZis.

    National Socialist, Inter-National Socialist, Italian Socialist (Fascist), Soviet Socialist, Chinese Socialist, Communist, Bolshevik, Menshevik, Demonrat, Republican, Green, Libertarian, Christian Democrat, Democratic Republican, Labor, Tory, OWS, Antifa – all different branches of the same tree.

    Ignorance – profound ignorance – is a blessing to these people.

    izlamo delenda est …

  6. Interesting true fact: The Nazis NEVER called themselves Nazis!
    And Mussolini always insisted that the Fascists were socialists.
    You could look it up.

    izlamo delenda est …

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