Who’s Stupid? – IOTW Report

Who’s Stupid?

88 Comments on Who’s Stupid?

  1. Obviously, Joe has a much higher probability of getting laid, can build things with his calloused hands and enjoys a contented life.

    Jim is a chronic bedwetter and his mother can no longer wash his bedclothing daily without electricity. Jim can get out of his massive debt and do us all a favor.

  2. Loco…. why’d you blow it? We had a nice thread goin’ and you start goin’ all Joe on me. The hell,man?

    Anyway, Joe belongs to the Church of Satan.

  3. Mickey givin’ Loco the reach around! What will our hero do?


    Joe seems to get easily angered.

    UPDATE: THIS THREAD IS RUINT!!!!! You cant edit your post after the fact. I already posted a cutting response. JESU…… ffffffFFFFFFF. NOW I LOST MY TRAIN OF THOUGHT.

    Who am I raggin’ on again? Jerry? Jimmy……. Christ….. worst porn site on the net….. mutter mutter……

  4. And without electricity, Jim will have to wash his man-bun in cold water. With no opportunities in his chosen major, Jim will have to fall back on the other skills he learned in college like, protesting, agitating, tight jean wearing, and PBR drinking.
    Yep, he’s a real turn-on for real women.

  5. Jim has synced his pseudo-menstrual cycle to the actual lunar calendar. Or maybe the lady upstairs in his apt building, whichever comes first. He’s WOKE.

  6. And to think….I almost didn’t click on this Story !!! 🙂 🙂

    Oh…and keeping with the direction of the comments

    “Joe’s scheduled for Penis REDUCTION Surgery”

  7. I’m still enjoying;

    “Jim has synced his pseudo-menstrual cycle to the actual lunar calendar”

    And Loco’s…

    “Soon Jim will be paid for “unwilling to work”…”

    HOWEVER… Jim is capable of manmspreading while Joe crosses his legs at the ankles.

  8. Jim doesn’t hate his balls. He’s manspreading. He does however, have a drinking problem.

    Joe?….. I dunno’…. what’s he hiding behind those dark glasses? Tears? Bruises? TWO CROSSED EYES THAT KEPT HIM OUT OF THE MILITARY!?!?!?!

  9. Time out for a second. This original post is a little off pay grade wise.
    My career was in electric/natural gas. Linemen generally average $140,000 per year due to storm restoration. Even more when they get sent to other states to help with disaster relief. If they work for a good utility company they will retire at 57 with a buy out around $400,000 plus what ever they did with 401k or stock option plans. Smart linemen retire with $1 million in the bank.

    Philosophy grads generally have to get a PHD to reach that level. Generally they would end up teaching in college. The jobs are few.
    They usually have less exciting lives. The outdoors makes them nervous. I know two such people. One is a relative, the other a son of a doctor friend. They are decent people but I doubt they could even physically start a lawn mower.

    Okay, back to the game.
    Carry on.


    “That’s right Takashi-san, Joe clearly had mastery in this battle while Jim couldn’t let go of his secret ingredient….. weak tea in a Jack Daniels bottle.”

  11. Joe doesn’t open the line switches to splice cable, he ain’t got time for that shit.

    Jim breaks out in a sweat if he has to turn the lights on right after his mother mopped, knowing he’ll probably get electrocuted.

  12. Jim was manufactueed by the ( – we did surrender our schooks, didnt we?)

    Joe is a dying breed, unless we take back our schools from freaks running them.

  13. Jim spends hours wondering whether or not, if Joe falls off a pole when no one is around, he makes any sound when he hits the ground.

    Joe spends approximately zero time wondering about any aspect of Jim’s worthless life.

  14. Be honest, Fur. You didn’t expect this post to get all explode-y, did you?

    Joe climbs tall poles that carry high voltage that may kill him instantly.

    Jim climbs not so tall poles that carry God knows what that will kill him not so instantly.

  15. Jim is that prick in the video we watched last night who was ringing the bell to disrupt that Student Republican meeting in Portland.
    Joe was at that meeting and is now disconnecting the electricity to Jim’s parent’s house.

  16. I have too much invested in this story to leave Jim stranded in North Korea.

    Also, someone ask the Ref if Jim is indeed gay. He looks….unappealing to either gender.

  17. Much like the epic 1984 bench clearing brawl between the Reds and the Cubs, this call has gone back and forth.

    Jim, although professing to be straight, did “experiment” in college.

    Therefore…. FOUL BALL!!!

    GAME ON!

  18. HA! Jim is ghey, and that means he’s part of a “protected class.”

    Pretty sure Joe needs to spring him in order to avoid a human rights violation against us. All we need is the Downton Abbey collection on blue ray to bribe Kim.

  19. Wow…. this thread got sinister all of a sudden…. I never considered this. Joe is actually the reason that the phone calls are coming from inside the house.

    No… I can’t go down this road. I refuse to believe Joe is actually a CIA asset tapping our phone lines… although those sun glasses are starting to creep me out and I can hear the X-Files theme playing in the background…

  20. Jim died.
    The light bulb he stuffed up his arse broke and he bled to death.
    Instead of sending flowers, please chip in for another light bulb.
    The curlicue type, (Jim’s favorite)


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