Why A Plurality Isn’t A Majority – IOTW Report

Why A Plurality Isn’t A Majority

Here’s an interesting piece on why the nominee selected by the Republican party has to win the majority of delegates or face a brokered convention.


        The only majority in this example is the one opposing candidate K.

The majority of the voters for a party are not represented when a plurality selects the presidential candidate and to go that route invites disaster in the general.

Is Trump really that popular with the enough voters to beat the Democrat nominee in the Fall? We really won’t know till he wins an outright majority of the delegates.


So what if he doesn’t win an outright majority and isn’t nominated at the convention? Will the 1/3rd of the party that supported him turn our in the general or stay at home and sulk? But the same can be said of the other candidates’ base, as well.

Would adopting the Dems “super candidate” approach be more desirable than having a contentious open convention?

9 Comments on Why A Plurality Isn’t A Majority

  1. Your first sentence is clear as day. Understood.

    Unfortunately for me I am just too stupid to follow the word salad at really really REALLY UNclear politics.

    Not your fault Doc Tar, my mother smoked, drank and did drugs while she was carrying me.

  2. And, using their logic, the winner is JEB!, Little Marco, or even Mitt, who never debated or ran in a primary.
    No wonder they like common corpse. [corpse is intentional as in BHO references to Naval Corpseman].

  3. To hell with the elitist Dem Superdelegate system. Let’s be conservative and make the primary system more merit based. Maybe when a candidate gets to a point where they have no mathematical possibility of reaching the required delegate number, they get culled. Something like that, maybe?

  4. I’d like to see primaries allow a person to vote for what ever party they’d like to choose, but come the general election they are handed a ballot for that party only.

    It might make folks think before crossing over and voting in the other party’s primary.

  5. “Is Trump really that popular with the enough voters to beat the Democrat nominee in the Fall? We really won’t know till he wins an outright majority of the delegates.”

    there’s a slight flaw in your argument… & it’s predicated on the ‘outright majority’ premise. just as Kasich is not going to win a majority of delegates …. of any kind, and will not win, even if the convention is brokered ………buuuuuut, between him & the others that have dropped out … the candidate with a ‘clear majority’ will possibly NOT get the nomination … if it’s Trump, count on it.

    …. & where does your argument go if Romney or Jeb! gets the nod from the delegates? because that’s were this train wreck is heading.

    people sitting out the election? …… you betcha!

  6. Hey Tar…now you know why there were so many bodies up on those debate stages, don’t you?

    So the kingmakers would get their man Jeb to the general. Cause they want Jeb or Hillary for POTUS, either one would accomplish their goals.

  7. “The only majority in this example is the one opposing candidate K”

    Er, no. There are also majorities opposing L and M. Therefore we choose Jeb?

    There is indeed a difference between a plurality and a majority, but a plurality is a lot of votes the party disrespects at its peril.

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