Why Am I Not Surprised? – IOTW Report

Why Am I Not Surprised?

Coronavirus: China Continues to Flood the World with Defective Medical Supplies

Gatestone Institute – Gatestone Institute recently reported that millions of pieces of medical equipment purchased from China by European governments to combat the coronavirus pandemic are defective and unusable.

Since that report, more than a dozen countries on four continents have disclosed problems with Chinese-made coronavirus tests and personal protective equipment. The problems range from test kits tainted with the coronavirus to medical garments contaminated with insects.

Chinese authorities have refused to take responsibility for the defective equipment and in many instances have cast blame on the countries that purchased the material. They have also called on nations of the world to stop “politicizing” the problem — at the same time that Chinese President Xi Jinping and his Communist Party have sought to leverage the pandemic to assert a claim to global leadership.

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16 Comments on Why Am I Not Surprised?

  1. reminds me of the idiot that keeps putting his hand in the fire thinking ‘this time it won’t burn’

    yeah … just keep buying that cheap crap from China … what could go wrong?

  2. It looks like the School of Hard Knocks is still accepting students. That’s right, outsource all your vital supplies to a communist-run country where we all know that for anything to get done requires 100% corruption; then send them a pallet of U.S. dollars. What could possibly go wrong?

    If the U.S. media were doing it’s job, we’d be in much better shape. Hopefully this will expose all the fault lines and fissures in the U.S. Left’s relationships with China. Xi Ping is just waiting out POTUS Trump, making his re-election absolutely essential.

  3. First they spread the shit around, then sell useless goods to deal with it.
    But the left refutes the notion that they’re up to no good.
    It’s not a problem to be solved by doing what’s been done so far.

  4. …it’s a turn on the Chinese massage “Happy Ending”, where Democrats force us to fellatiate our masseur Xi Jingping…


    …side note…I noticed while a passenger on a West side drive a shuttered business called “Chinese Touch Massage”. Regardless of whatever went on in there pre-MuyCorona, that’s gonna need some SERIOUS rebranding even IF this ever blows over (“blows over”, heh) for it to be able to reopen…

  5. Back in the late 90’s we were doing a lot of business with the Semi Conductor Capital Equipment guys. This is when China was stealing that tech like it was free. Lots of production lines moved from the Bay Area to some shit hole ChiCom province. I’ve spoken to many manufacturing engineers that moved those product lines and they all say the same thing. As a culture, the Chinese are incapable of doing the same thing twice the same way. Process Control is out the window. And that’s why China’s quality sucks, and it always will. I have much more I could add

  6. @Brad
    Unfortunately for the USA all that knowledge on how to build things right never got passed on to the next generation here. If we expect to bring stuff back here a lot of us old guys are going to have to keep working in order to mentor our young people.

  7. When we were in China it was considered absolutely normal and expected and accepted that money had to cross someone’s palm for “favors” and to get anything done — even (and maybe, especially) if it had anything to do with any kind of CCP agency. It would be like going to the DMV, for example, and handing over an unmarked envelope to the cashier filled with 20’s. Otherwise, sorry, your driver license history just vanished. Back to driver education for you. This is the country Nixon, Reagan, the Bushes, Clinton and Obama thought would be persuaded to Democracy.


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