‘Why are shootings on the rise in Portland?’ – IOTW Report

‘Why are shootings on the rise in Portland?’


PORTLAND, Oregon — Shootings in the city of Portland totaled 110 in September, according to police. That’s a 243% increase over the 32 shootings during the same month in 2019.

Thursday morning, in the Parkrose neighborhood near northeast 111th and Sandy, neighbors reported gunfire and a short time later officers found someone there dead. They are releasing few details.

Wednesday evening, on the last day of September at around 8:45pm, a moving gun battle broke out near Dawson park. It’s across the street from Legacy Emanuel Medical Center and left 58 bullet casings in the street, some from an AK-47 assault rifle, say police.

Bill Komissaroff lives a block and a half way.

“Sometimes you hear this stuff off in the distance and you think its firecrackers,” he said. “There was no doubt, soon as it started, what it was. I mean my girlfriend and I hit the deck, turned the lights out and then just waited.”

Back at the park on Thursday, drug and alcohol counselor Hubert Mathews said there is a lot of tension on the streets of Portland.

“There’s a lot of anxiety. A lot of uncertainty. A lot of fear,” he said. “You know, just a lot of things going on where people are afraid. And I think when people are afraid they act out.”

Police reports show shootings are up for every month this year compared to last. As of October 1 the total number of shootings stood at 595, an 82% increase over the same time period in 2019.

Kimberely Dixon believes she knows why.

“I think we need to take a look at historical context,” she said. “I think if we go back and take a look at July, which is when we decided to defund the police, we also had the most tremendous uptick in violence.” more

27 Comments on ‘Why are shootings on the rise in Portland?’

  1. if I’m thinking like a media’rat …. it’s obvious that this is perpetrated because Joke Biden won’t denounce the hate groups that are behind this … you know, the people that support him … Auntqueefa/Burn,Loot,Murder

  2. “There’s a lot of anxiety. A lot of uncertainty. A lot of fear,” he said. “You know, just a lot of things going on where people are afraid. And I think when people are afraid they act out.”
    The illogical, excuse making droolers of Portland won’t admit that “The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing”.

  3. Ah…AK-47 assault rifle, Bill Komissaroff lives a block and a half away…I see a connection…damned Russkies armed with assault rifles…he’s obviously a communist commissar or the son of one.

    I’m kidding, I think.

  4. This is like a Hardy Boys mystery.

    “The Case of the Catastrophic Rise of Gun Violence In Portland.”

    Mr. Hardy takes the boys and Chet along on a case and together they stumble on a mystery!

    “Look out!” shouted Chet as he leapt behind a dumpster. The alley way filled with the loud reports of a handgun. Then silence, and the faint sounds of the retreating gunmans sneakers.

    “Did ya’ get a look at him?” asked Joe as he stood up and waved his hands to dispel some of the acrid gunsmoke.

    “Nope. Said Chet, brushing used condoms and needles from his trousers.

    “Look at this!” cried Frank. He held up a black armband with a curious emblem stenciled onto it. “That creep must have dropped this when he started shooting at us.”

    “But we still don’t know why he was shooting at us.” Said Joe.

    “I bet the answer has something to do with this symbol on the armband, look again.” Said Frank grimly.

    Joe and Chet crowded around Frank and gazed at the red circle with the capitol letter ‘A’ inside.

    “Gee,” said Chet. “I bet it’s a witches sign!”

    Joe furrowed his brow. “I don’t think so. For one thing, why the letter ‘A’?”

    “Oh, I see,” said Chet. “You mean the letter ‘A’ stands for something?”

    “Yep.” said Frank. “My guess is that all these shootings are related to a giant group of Assholes who use the letter ‘A’ to remind everyone that only Assholes shoot up their own town.”

    “Makes sense.” said Joe.

    “Gee whiz,” said Chet. “We better watch out for these Assholes.” He rummaged around the dumpster and fished out a dented aluminum bat….

  5. “…and then we came straight here,” finished Joe.

    Mr. Hardy furrowed his brow. “I don’t like you boys getting shot at.”

    “Aw, gee Mr. H, that Asshole didn’t hit anything but some old garbage cans.”

    “And that’s another thing, you boys shouldn’t be using that term.”

    “But Pop!” Cried Joe. “We found it in the dictionary!”

    Frank held out the Merriam-Websters famous dictionary of American English.

    “usually vulgar : a stupid, annoying, or detestable person.” He snapped the book shut.

    “These guys really were assholes, Pop. See? they left a calling card and everything.” Joe held out the black armband with Chets “Witches Mark” on it.

    Mr. Hardy contemplated the armband for a few moments. Then he stood up from the deep armchair and strode over to the hotel window overlooking the park.

    “I wasn’t going to let you boys in on my case, but this troubles me.” He held out the black armband.

    “Boys. I’m here in Portland to find….Ted Wheeler.”

    Chet gasped out loud. “You mean the mayor!?”

    “That’s exactly who I’m looking for. But there’s more….”

    Frank and Joe stood up. “We’re with you, father.” Said Frank.

    “Yeah Pop,” said Joe, “whatever it is.”

    “Boys,” said Fenton Hardy. “Everything in my missing mayor case points to one conclusion.”

    “You don’t mean it!” Cried Frank.

    “I do, boys.” Mr. Hardy looked at each boy in turn. “Ted Wheeler is an Asshole too. Possibly the leader of this giant group of Assholes.”

    Chet whistled through his teeth. “Gee, we’re gonna’ need more bats….”

  6. Later, after Fenton Hardy had wished the boys a good night, Frank Joe and Chet met in the alley behind the hotel.

    “O.K. fellas, lets see your disguises.” Frank stood with his hands on his hips, inspecting Joe and Chets outfits.

    “It sure is a shame we left all our costumes back in Bayport!” Exclaimed Joe.

    “Our street clothes will have to do,” said Frank skeptically, eyeing Chets red jacket and shiny penny loafers. “Did everyone bring a handkerchief?”

    Joe quickly tied a blue silk handkerchief around his face. His small mask made him look like a bank robber. Chet flourished a bright white one covered in red hearts.

    “My sister Iola got me this for my magic act.” The husky youth carefully folded the handkerchief and tied it behind his head. The end of the mask barely came down to cover his lips.

    Joe and Frank exchanged looks.

    “Well,” said Chet, shouldering his aluminum baseball bat. “We’d better get going if we want to find those Assholes tonight.”

    “C’mon!” Exclaimed Frank, “if my guess is right we’ll find the biggest Asshole of them all down at City Hall!”

  7. The Hardy Boys always get to the bottom of things. Remember how they sailed that Chinese Junk all damn summer before figuring out where the treasure was hidden on it?

    This is just like that……but with more Assholes.

  8. …Joe ducked behind a burning vehicle as another gunshot whined overhead. “I don’t think these masks are working!”

    “How did they know I’m taking a mail order self esteem course?” Gasped Chet. “Right away they started calling me a proud boy.”

    “We need to get back behind police lines.” Said Frank grimly. “Father was right, there’s more to being an Asshole than just shouting stuff and smashing everything.”

    “Did you really tell that Asshole back there that you knew a magic trick?” Grinned Joe.

    “Well, I sure made his balls disappear,” said Chet archly, while swinging his aluminum bat back and forth.

    Suddenly, loud whoops from a police bullhorn filled the air. “We’ve got to move!” shouted Frank.

    “Look!” exclaimed Joe, pointing down the street at a well dressed slightly built man.

    “Ted Wheeler!” Laughed Chet.

    “After him!” shouted Joe….

  9. …Fenton Hardy sat deeply in his armchair near the fire, thoughtfully puffing on his pipe. “I don’t like you boys sneaking out, but if you hadn’t been there, who knows what would have happened to the President.”

    “Gee Pop, all we did was kick some Assholes in the shins, Chets the real hero.”

    “Aw gee fellas,” blushed Chet. “I just wanna’ try out for the baseball team next season.”

    “Sounds like you really like to crush balls,” said a smiling Fenton Hardy.

    “That’s what Iola says.” laughed Joe.

    Mr. Hardy joined the rest of the group in gales of laughter.

    The End.

  10. I figure next week is “Harry Potter and the Assholes of Fire”.

    Protesting Assholes burn down the local Quidditch field. Can Harry and his friends stop their fiendish plot to burn down EVERYTHING?

  11. “… 58 bullet casings in the street, some from an AK-47 assault rifle, say police.”

    & how, pray tell, do the police know 7.62×39 shell casings came specifically from an AK-47 ‘assault’ rifle?

    … another clue for the Hardy Boys


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