Why Are Well-Off EV Owners Charged Half as Much as Poor Pensioners for Off-Peak Electricity? – IOTW Report

Why Are Well-Off EV Owners Charged Half as Much as Poor Pensioners for Off-Peak Electricity?


by Nick Rendell

“The surprise is not whether the dog plays the piano well or poorly but that it plays it at all!” Dr. Johnson might well have applied this aphorism to Rachel Reeves’s cancellation of the pensioner’s winter fuel allowance. However, in this instance the shock was both that the allowance was cancelled and that it was handled so badly.

As a general rule I’m fine with anything that removes the state from people’s lives. However, the ‘optics’ of this announcement were shockingly dreadful. Why wasn’t it wrapped up with a programme of initiatives, such as confirmation that the triple lock would be retained or alongside details of the forthcoming increase in pensions?

In any case, here is an even greater mystery: why are people who are sat shivering at home in poorly insulated, under-heated social housing paying about twice as much per kWh for off-peak electricity as EV owners, swanning about in their £65,000 Teslas? more

3 Comments on Why Are Well-Off EV Owners Charged Half as Much as Poor Pensioners for Off-Peak Electricity?

  1. My moron, next-door neighbor has a house guest staying with her for an undetermined period of time. Much to her surprise, the guest drives an EV. He wanted to jerry-rig a way to charge his EV using her household current. What tiny sliver of good judgement she had left in her told him “no way”. He then ordered a gasoline generator from Amazon and had it delivered to her house. Now, the goofy bastard runs the damn generator every evening to charge his EV. The damn thing was still running at 10:45PM the other night and my wife was about to do something that would have landed her in the slammer. Let’s just say that I had a discussion with the neighbor and the damn generator noise is no longer a problem. I wish she would have let the bastard hook up to her house causing it to burn down, then I wouldn’t have to worry about her moronic behavior any longer. Now, I ask you, am I the bad guy here?


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