Why Aren’t Moon Hoax Conspiracy Theorists Treated the Same As People Who Believe Biological Men Will Never Be a Woman? – IOTW Report

Why Aren’t Moon Hoax Conspiracy Theorists Treated the Same As People Who Believe Biological Men Will Never Be a Woman?

If you say we never went to the moon, you are not bounced from Twitter. If you say some dude in a dress is not a woman, you’re gone.


Don’t say, “because of feelings.”

I don’t GAS about your feelings. I GAS about science and accuracy.

People with handicaps are called “differently abled.”

Why can’t men who believe they are women be called something other than women? How about, “O’Tools”? You know, like the Near Beer.


Twitter has frozen the account of The Daily Citizen for engaging in “hate speech”, and Not the Bee has the story

Levine has every one of his 7 trillion cells encoded with the XY chromosome exclusively found in males across the entire animal kingdom. HOWEVER, he has put on makeup and long hair and women’s clothes – and has potentially had some hormone shots and surgeries – and now identifies as a woman. THEREFORE, according to sCieNcE, we must never acknowledge that he’s different from all the world’s biological women … or else be ridiculed and banned from polite society.

“Dr. Levine is a transgender woman, that is, a man who believes he is a woman.”

To the uninitiated, this looks like a simple definitional phrase to help the reader understand who and what the article will discuss.

To the woke, however, this phrase is clearly a transphobic, evil statement set to applaud the murder of LGBT individuals and deprive them of their rights.

“You may not promote violence against, threaten, or harass other people on the basis of race, ethnicity, national origin, sexual orientation, gender, gender identity, religious affiliation, age, disability, or serious disease,” said Twitter to The Daily Citizen.


ht/ marco

36 Comments on Why Aren’t Moon Hoax Conspiracy Theorists Treated the Same As People Who Believe Biological Men Will Never Be a Woman?

  1. How do you deal with it?

    I get on my Mountain bike and I ride in the woods with no music, no news, no TV or computer.

    Stop once in a while and watch real nature. Eventually, this planet will revert back and the shit stain that modern society has become will be gone. Not from global warming, but from pure stupidity, real pollution, and human impotence.

    The rise in alternative sexual lifestyles is most likely the result severely damaged gene pools.

  2. Nothing reveals what the Obiden-Kalamity Administration has in store for those who don’t support this lunacy like the appointment of this mentally ill, walking freak show to a very high position dealing with the health of this country’s citizens. I don’t feel the slightest bit transphobic for believing that this man belongs in a mental institution. Paging Dr. Sigmund Freud!

  3. Outdoorjohn Shrugged FEBRUARY 2, 2021 AT 11:23 PM
    “But at least I can get a psych eval when I buy a brick of .22.”

    You just gave me a great idea! When Red Flag laws finally become the law of the land, I will declare myself a Trans Woman. This will make it impossible for them to declare me mentally compromised.

  4. “Dr. Levine is a transgender woman, that is, a man who believes he is a woman.”

    We used to call that “mentally ill”, like a man who believes he is a porpoise.

    @Brad: “Cold Ethyl”, maybe?

  5. This is typical of the insanity that’s being force fed to children in public schools.
    Along with conditioning white boys and girls that they’re horrible because of their skin color.
    Who could have imagined this sickness could take root and become standardized so quickly and with such acceptance.

  6. …we used to have this one dude who was a line worker who was an OK worker, but he wanted to be a chick REAL BAD. This was in 19 dickety 2 when Trans and laws about Trans really wasn’t a “Thing”, so it wasn’t really well received by his co-workers who, again, actually DID like him as a person because he was an OK guy who worked hard, but his lady co-workers didn’t want him in the bathroom with them, where he instisted on going.

    FWIW, the men didn’t want him in the MEN’S room either, but biologically, that’s where he belonged, and at the time there was a state law that said you had to use the bathroom that went with your equipment, so that was the Company’s position on it as well.

    Backing up a little, this guy didn’t make any bones about it, he said he was GOING to be a woman and, while he still had man appliances, he was working hard and long hours specifically to make money for elective cock-cutting-off services, which NO ONE thought at the time should be in a “health” plan. To that end he tried to look as feminine as possilble, even slimming down to a very etiolated body mass that was apparently his view of what a woman’s body should look like and wore feminine cut Spandex most of the time, but there was one feature other than the obvious he couldn’t do anything about, and that was that he had this great big ol’ craggy man head perched on top of this wobbly little neck and toothpick body. It was both kind of funny and sad and grotesque at the same time, seeing this giant melon hovering over this almost alien body, very reminicient of the “Big Head” characters more typical on Mardi Gras parade floats, but this was directly across from other line workers all day long as they flipped product around and I honestly don’t know how they got through the day without laughing, crying, or both. I can’t really draw the right word picture but, by “Craggy”, I mean like Llyod Bridges in “Airplane!” craggy, like Charlton Heston in “The Mule” craggy, like Keith Richards if the drugs had blown his body topper up to monster movie size without changing his features a bit kind of craggy, and large like a bowling ball perched on top of a pencil large. It was really kind of impressive, how manly this guy’s head was, and I don’t know how or if he ever got his plumbing rearranged, but whatever they did downstairs there was NO WAY they could make THIS look feminine UPSTAIRS, not unless they planned to do skull and brain reduction surgery in service of this lunacy as well.
    (N.B. to women who voted for Bill because he was “Cute” and “Rascally”, and Obama because “He had a manly voice”; y’all kind of ACT like you got Brain Reduction surgery sometimes, so maybe that IS part of the service, to make LIBERAL women anyway…)

    …anyway, the whole saga ended because dude would NOT quit using the women’s room and the chicks were all threatening to quit, sue to Company, or both if they didn’t stop him so they told him to stop, he didn’t, and he got kicked out. Not sure how that would have played out NOW, but I’m guessing it would have wrecked the Company with cross lawsuits, so they kind of dodged a bullet there.

    …The point being that this person was NEVER going to be able to achive what their illness told them to achive. No matter what, he would not be taken for or accepted as a woman, because his masculinity is ingraned literally into every single cell in his body. This will either make him angry, crazy, or both because he can’t counteract God’s design.

    So it is with this crazy “health secretary”. This person is NOT a woman, will never BE a woman, and will get VERY, VERY upset trying to do so.

    Unfortunately, it will be taken out on US.

    …which is probably what the Democrats intended all along…

  7. TRF
    FEBRUARY 3, 2021 AT 1:32 PM

    +1000 for reference to a previous Republican then-candidate that a fawning media stole an election from so they could give it to a Democrat they fell in love with…

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